Chapter 9

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After I had dinner, I fell on the queen sized bed. The moment my body landed on it, it felt like heaven. I haven't slept on a bed so soft and comfortable before.

Due to the day's exhaustion and the still sore muscles, I slept as soon as I closed my eyes.

After sometime, I heard someone's footsteps and a door closing. Then there were another set of footsteps and voices, aggressively whispering. I was half asleep and half awake, so I didn't bother to check who it was. Not that I could.

Vincent asked me to stay in my room until called out, so I was going to do just that. I don't want to mess up and get punished. Not by Vincent. Never by him. He looks damn scary. After a while I fell completely asleep.

The next morning, I woke up later than my usual. Maybe due to exhaustion or the comfort of the bed. I stretched myself, but soon realised that my body and muscles are still sore. 

I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom to complete my morning routine. I brushed my teeth, had a warm shower to relax my muscles and finally, applied some ointment on my back. As far as my hand could reach, that is.

I wore one of the clothes I brought with myself. I then realised I had nothing to do right now. I was never free. I always had some or the other chore to complete. If all the chores were done, I used to have homework. But now, it feels weird to have nothing to do but wait.


I sat on the bed and looked at the television screen attached to the wall, opposite to the bed. There was a remote on the nightstand. I could just switch on the TV, but I'm scared that what if I'm not supposed to. I don't want to mess anything up.

Having nothing to do, I just walked to the window and stared at the huge garden. The view was great. There was a beautiful flower garden, with variety of flowers in many different colours. Someone must love the garden to have maintained and sorted it so well. I love flowers too.

This person is definitely going to share my love for nature!


That is if they are willing to talk to me and accept me.

I wonder who that person is. It can't be Vincent. He looks too busy, authoritative and bossy to be messing around with flowers. He said he's the eldest brother. It means, maybe I have one other brother or sister.

As I was enjoying the view of the garden, someone knocked on the door. I asked them to come in. The door opened and Sofia walked in with a soft smile.

"Good Morning, Miss.", she greeted me.

"Good Morning, Sofia. Well, you can call me by my name. Miss seems too formal.", I said.

Woah. It surprised me I didn't stutter. I'm not really good with strangers. Maybe the fact that she seemed harmless calmed my nerves.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, Miss. Master is very particular about the formalities.", she told me with an apologetic smile.

"Oh, that's fine.", I said.

Maybe, the rich are like that. I don't know. I've never met any rich person or visited their home till now.

"You're asked to join at the breakfast, Miss.", she told me.


Sigh. I'm going to have to see Vincent again. He's just always cold and carries a dangerous aura around him. I hope I won't mess up. But I'm also curious to know the other sibling, I suppose, I have.

"I'll lead you to the dining room, Miss. As I've not given a tour yet, you might not be able to find it.", she said walking to the door.

"Yes, thank you.", I replied and followed her out.

We walked along the corridoor and down the huge staircase. The mansion was no less than a royal palace. The large chandeliers, the grand staircase, guest rooms that could fit my previous house's entire floor and the shiny marble floor scream fortune and luxury.

We took a few turns and finally came to a huge double doors. There was a guard standing by it, wearing a black suit, black shades and an earpiece. He's dressed just like the others I've seen yesterday.

He looked at Sofia, nodded a little and opened the door. Sofia walked in. I was nervous. All of a sudden my curiosity to notice all the details of the mansion evaporated in air. Now, I was nervous. I don't know why. Maybe because I'm going to meet other sibling of mine. Or because of the fact that I'm scared they'd reject me too, just like my parents, no, foster parents did.

The guard at the door didn't even glance at me once, even though I stood there in front of the open door without going in. I sighed, took a deep breath and walked in.

As I entered, I came face to face with a dining table that could accommodate, maybe, a twenty people. It had a connected, open kitchen. The kitchen gave a homely feeling.

Then, I heard a throat clearing. I, then realised I had been looking around the kitchen for a while now. My cheeks burned out of embarrassment. I saw Vincent sitting at the head of the table, with a mug in front of him and an iPad in his hand.

I, then noticed there was another guy, sitting to the left of him. He was tall, muscular, not the buff type, with dark blonde hair and light blue eyes, similar to mine. He too, like Vincent, was good looking. He wore an expensive brown suit.

"Good morning, Arianna.", Vincent greeted me in his deep, emotionless voice.

"G-Good m-morning.", I stuttered. He intimidates me.

"Good morning, I'm Theodre, your second oldest brother.", the other man said with a warm smile.

Second oldest?? There are more??

I gave him a small smile and introduced myself. Before he could say anything more, a tall guy, with light blonde hair and grey eyes, walked in. As soon as he saw me, he froze for a second. He, then composed himself and walked past me to sit at the table. 

Then came two guys, one was taller than the other. The taller guy had dark blonde hair and light blue eyes. The next one looked exactly like the guy who walked past me. The only difference was, he had tattoos up his neck. 

They too looked a bit shocked when they looked at me. The taller guy scoffed and sat at the table. The guy with tattoo ignored me and went to the table.

"Introduce yourselves.", Theodre said to them.

The taller guy scoffed, but said, "Dylan.".

The twin without tattoos said, "Ace", and nodded.

The other twin with tattoos didn't bother to look at me. He just lazily said, "Ashton.".

Before, I could introduce myself, walked in a beautiful girl, who seemed to be of my age.

She looked at me and froze.


So, here is the next chapter.

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Yours lovingly, 


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