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Orion: 30 years-old
Vulcan: 29 years-old
Caelum: 27 years-old
Phoenix: 26 years-old
Hunter: 23 years-old
Nova: 16 years-old

After I got out of the shower and onto the comfort of my bed mom had finally left me alone for a while.

I was still a little dizzy, but it wasn't as bad. My nauseousness had died down the minute I threw all my guts up.

The memory made my face tomato red.

I still hadn't been downstairs and I don't think I  would muster up the courage to do that today. Even though I knew mom had some big dinner planned.

We would see what happens.

A knock on my bedroom door made me turn my head towards the source.

No one came in. It made me furrow my brows. Usually they knock and then they enter.

"Come in!" I said while positioning myself against the headrest.

In came a man that is ranking number three on my list of people I don't want to interact with at the moment.

Caelum walked in. He looked a little stiff, like something was bothering him. Nevertheless he tried to hide it with a soft smile.

"God, you look awful." He joked. Well not joked. I really did look awful.

With a big purple bump covering my entire forehead and some spots of dried up blood, it was safe to say that I have looked much better.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "You really know how to flatter a girl, don't you? I can't imagine why you don't have a girlfriend." My voice dripping with sarcasm.

A small smirk attached on my lips as he let my last comment sink in.

He shifted his wight from one foot to the other. Then he gave me the awkward smile that only he can make, while bringing his hand up to rub his neck.

I gave him my best innocent look. "Is something wrong? You look nervous." I smiled softly.

"No, nothings wrong, I just wanted to tell you something." He sat down beside me on my bed. He looked at me before letting out a breath.

"I haven't been completely honest with you about something." He started

"Okay." I said, giving him a chance to explain himself before I say something.

"Well, it so happens that I actually have a girlfriend. I know I told you that you would be the first to know, but I just couldn't tell you." Caelum looked me in the eyes. "Frankly I was afraid I'd loose you if I told you." I looked at him shocked. Why would he think that?

"Loose me? Because you got a girlfriend? Why?" I had to admit that it was a bit funny.

"Jealousy? I don't know. Now that I say it out loud it sounds stupid.

It's just that this girl would be the first girl other then mom in our immediate family that you would have to share me with.

And you said once that 'Caelum you are never aloud to have any girls but me in your life, I'm gonna marry you.' And I now it's stupid but I was afraid that you would hate this girl or me because you weren't the only girl anymore." While telling me this I could see he noticed how dumb he sounded.

When I was four I would walk around and tell everyone that I was going to marry my brothers, mom and dad.
They had tried to explain to me what it meant to be married.

Mom said that you marry someone you love and care for. I loved and cared for my family so I thought all of them would be perfect to marry.

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