Indeed a double life

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3rd pov

"Nova... Are you there?" Markus sight one more time as he put the phone away.

"What happened?" Hunter chimed from the backseat.

"She hung up on me." Markus focused on the road ahead of him. Well he tried. He couldn't shake of the feeling that he was slowly loosing his daughter. That was what he was mainly focused on.

They were now an hour into their two hours drive home. They had picked up the two brothers, who was sat in the back of their little minivan.

It had been a while since this car had been used. It had in fact been so long that when they opened the car door they were surprised to see that they had forgotten to remove Nova's old carseat.

"Do you know what she's up to? Were she's going?" Orion asked, admittedly a little surprised by the adventures girl that was his sister.

He was the one who had chosen the restaurant they were going to. If he knew that his parents would allow his sister to come with them, he would've chosen an entire different restaurant. It's been twelve years since he had been home. The whole dynamic of the family had changed. He should have known that. But instead he assumed that 9 o'clock at night would be too late for Nova to come with, and thought his parents would call someone to look after her while they were out.

How wrong was he. Nova had other plans for the night. Including going out, alcohol and boys. He really needed to see Nova soon, the only thing he managed to see was a four year old. And he felt terrible for not keeping up.

"We know everything she knows. She isn't big at planning, just flows with it. She's going out to eat with some friends, then she'll text me or mom and tell us where she's going." Dad explained, they could all tell that loosing so much control as he had right now didn't sit well with him. It didn't sit well with any of them.

Expect for Hunter and Phoenix. Hunter knew that Nova had been out partying several times before. He had caught her the first time she snuck out, almost a year ago. She had just turned sixteen and some how gotten a fake ID.

Hunter had been out for a run, when he saw someone trying sneak out through a hole in the fence. His oldest brother had once made it to make it easier to sneak out. At least that is what Caelum had once told him when he had taught Hunter how to sneak out.

Now there was someone else sneaking through the hole and he couldn't see who it was. He didn't know if the person was going in or out. His eyes quickly found his little sister's bedroom window, praying for it to be closed so nothing could happen to her if someone were to beak in. Finding the window closed enough for no one to climb in, he started his way towards the person who clumsily tried to climb through the hole.

He got a grip on the persons arm and dragged it backwards making it stumble a little but kept standing.

"What the fuck! Nova?!" Hunter exclaimed. Loudly.

"Shhhh!"Nova was quick to shush him, checking if her idiot brother had managed to get their parents attention.

Hunter was in shock.

In front of him stood his little sister, well at least they had the same face. In front of him stood a woman. He had never seen the 'grownup' side of his sister.

But there she was. Her makeup made her look at least twenty and the dress and heals she was wearing added to the age with a year. She looked like a twenty-one year old woman. Hunter thought that that was just what she was going for.

"Holy fuck Nova! What are you doing!" Hunter semi yelled at his sister. He did not like the idea of her sneaking out like this.

"I'm just going to meet som friends. I'll be home before two." Nova dismissed his brother.

Hunter didn't know what to do. He froze. He didn't ever think he would find himself in this position. He let go of Novas arm. He could be responsible and tell her to get her ass back in the house. Or he could pretend like he hadn't seen her.

When he let go of her arm and heard himself say. "If anything happens or you just need a ride, call me. No one else. Me." He knew that he had chosen option number two. Option number one would be hypocritical seeing as he had been sneaking out himself at that age. He just hoped his sister wouldn't do the same thing as all her brothers had earlier. But that was wishful thinking.

Phoenix on the other hand had never seen Nova sneak out. He just trusted her. He knew that she had more between her ears than any of her brother had when they were her age.

"She'll be fine. She's smart." Phoenix reassured his family.

"Indeed, she is." Hunter agreed.


Back in Seattle Alex couldn't take his eyes of the beautiful girl standing in front of him. He couldn't fathom how he hadn't seen it earlier. After being friends for almost seventeen years, it wasn't until last summer he really saw how beautiful she was, inside and outside.

That's when their little experiment had started. They where both looking for something not serious, just some fun. They were afraid that it might ruin their friendship, but it only made it stronger.

Friends with benefits was what they where until tonight. Now they had both mustered up the the courage to admit their feelings for each other. Alex was now looking at his girlfriend and Nova was looking at her boyfriend. A shy smile on her lips.

"Are you ready to go?" Alex asked. Placing a kiss on her lips. "You look beautiful by the way." He kissed her again.

"Thank you, handsome." She said as she pulled away from the kiss. A blush creeping up on her.

They conjoined hands as they made their way down the streets of Seattle. Happy to broadcast their new relationship.

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