Reality check

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"Well are you going?" Lisa, my old gymnastics coach asked.

I had been here through their whole three hour long practice. Was it worth it? Yes, of course it was.

I have been catching up with them, telling about my earlier plans to move to England. That was what she was asking me about now. We were sitting on the floor just chatting away.

I gave her a shrug. "My parents said no, so I guess I'm not."

"Come on! When have a no ever stopped you from doing anything, or at least try. A week after your surgery you where doing a flip on that tumbling —A terrible flip may I add— after specifically getting serval no's from your family and doctors." Mia, one of my teammates, Sorry, former teammate reminded me.

When I did that flip that day, I'm sure life flashed in front of my moms eyes. She was so scared.

"I know, it's just that this time it seems like a good idea to actually listen to them. You didn't see my mom. She was mad. I have never seen her mad." Furrowing my brows I thought about my moms rejection the other day. What caused it?

"Remember that they can't keep controlling your life Nova. We've all seen it. The way your family treat you." Olivia, another one of my former teammates pointed out.

"She's right. Your almost seventeen, they have a little to much control over you. And your brothers, they treat you like a child at times. You may not see it because you live in it, but we can see it and your being controlled." Andrea added to that.

"Andrea!" Lisa warned. She looked at me apologetically.

Was that true? Am I being controlled by my family? And is it so easy to see. I've only just thought about it. It have all been so normal for me. Maybe it isn't as normal as I thought.

I think my face gave it away. My smile disappeared, and I think they saw it.

"I didn't mean to-... I mean-... every one can-... it is obvious-... I thought you already had the same thought." Andrea stumbled over her words in a pathetic try to apologize.

"Shut up Andrea!" Mia shouted out. That certainly did not help the tense atmosphere.

"I mean yeah, they can be a bit overbearing. But that's just because they love me, isn't it?" I looked around for answers. My eyes landing on the role model I have had since I was ten. Lisa.

She gave out a sigh. "Of course it is. Now, I haven't seen the whole dynamic you have with your family up close. But I have talked to your parents and brothers, and I only see them as caring people. Who adore you. Nonetheless I have also observed that they might, sometimes, only sometimes forget that you're growing up and that you don't need them as much as you used too." She had a point. Sadly.

I needed to clear my head again. And having a lot of people that clearly had something against my family around me were not the place to do it.

"My brothers were just the same, Nova." I looked up at Frida. Another one of my friends.

"And it was hard for them to realize that I was growing up and getting older just as they had. But I sat down with them and told them how I was feeling and what they made me feel when they were too overbearing. I mean, you and I are the youngest out of so many boys. We're our brothers princess, our fathers little girl.

But you need to remember that you are your own person, with your own mind, feelings and thoughts. Then you need to remind them about that. It's gonna take some time, but you'll get there." She smiled at me. I couldn't do anything other than hug her. She always new what to say.

"Princesses and little girls also needs too grow up. Show them that." Olivia added.

"I've missed these chats. You are all my unpaid, over working therapists. Thank you Frida, and Andrea." I smirked at a slightly embarrassed Andrea.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say anything wrong." She looked down.

I stood up ready to leave.

"Don't worry, i needed a reality check."

"It was grate seeing you all again. I'll be back for my second therapy session next week." I yelled at them as I ran out the doors and back to my car. I knew what I had to do.

Beside me, in the passenger seat laid the admission paper from the boarding school in England, my parents didn't want me to go to. All it needed was three signatures.

I took up a pen. Then I signed my own name.

Luckily for me, the reason my family see me the way they do is because of my very good, self learnt way of faking a signature.

All the trouble I would have been in if it wasn't for my skill.

I signed moms signature, then dads. I knew I was going to regret this. But no one had to know.

After that I drove to the post office and of it went.

It was now real. I would be finishing my senior year in England. Hopefully I could convince my parents before the end of the summer, if not I would just have to leave with them being mad at me. Either way. I was moving.

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