Family my ass

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Orion: 30 years-old
Vulcan: 29 years-old
Caelum: 27 years-old
Phoenix: 26 years-old
Hunter: 23 years-old
Nova: 16 years-old

Markus-Dad: 52 years-old
Leana-mom: 52 years-old

Letting go of my mom I gave her a weak smile.

"I am willing to drop this boarding school thing. But you guys have to understand that some day I will move out, maybe to another country. And then you can't stop me." I held a threatening finger towards my dad. He chuckled a little but I could see he was relieved by my announcement.

Dad embraced me in one of his famous hugs.
"We'll just have to cross that bridge when that time comes. But for at least a couple more years, your going to be staying right here." He kissed the top of my head and let me go.

"Now that that's out of the world, let's get to planning your brothers return." My dad said. Everyone else seemed to nod and take their seats on the couch again. I kept standing, looking a little perplexed. He didn't mean? Or did he?

"What do you mean? They're already here." I chuckled a little before sitting down at the seat I sat in before all the drama.

My brothers looked at each other and then at my parents. My dad looked at my mom and my mom looked at my dad. I think they both came to the conclusion that they had indeed forgotten to tell me something.

To say this always happens wouldn't be an understatement.

Usually a child goes where the parents goes or does the same thing the parents does, so the kid don't normally need to be involved in the planing or get to know all the details of what is happening unless they ask, of course then they would get an answer.

When the child gets older, they usually get more involved in the planing and get to know the details.

Well in my case, my parents forget that I am now old enough to not always be around them and that I make my own plans for the day. They forget to tell me important stuff that is going to happen more than, lets say a day beforehand.

"Well, we might have forgotten to tell you one minor little thing." My mom grimaced. She knew it had happened again.

"All of your brothers are coming back home for the summer! Yeeyyy!" Dad tried his best to sound enthusiastic, with jazz hands and everything. Key word all.

"Yeeeyy! Isn't that exciting, Nova. Your favorite brother Caelum is home!" Caelum jumped up and down swing my hands back and forth. At the end he picked me up bridal style and made us spin around in circles. I tried hard, but I would be lying if I'd say it didn't make me laugh. He put me back down, steadying me so I wouldn't fall over in dizziness.

"Sooo, by all, you mean all of my brothers?" I asked to be sure.

"Yes, Nova. All five are going to be staying here for the most part of the summer." Mom reassured me.

"But what about Phoenix's apartment? That's big, he could have, I don't know, two guests there. Two special guests, who haven't been in this country in twelve years. I'm sure they would love living closer to the city." I personally thought that would be a marvelous idea. Maybe I got to avoid my two eldest brothers after all.

"Sorry, baby. From today til the end of the summer, my apartment is rented out to tourists." Phoenix gave me an apologetic smile. At least he got my pain, in some way.

"Uhhhh!" I slumped down on the couch, pressing a pillow down in my face.

"It won't be that bad Nova." Mom again sat down beside my slumped body. "We'll have the whole family together again. It will be nice." I saw how much this meant for my mother. I could pretend. But just for my mother. She will know I don't like it, but I will try to pretend for her.

"Maybe." I muffled out through the pillow. Mom removed the pillow and replaced it with a kiss on my nose. That made me smile. Seeing that, she boped it, giving me one of her soft and safe smiles. I made myself comfortable in her embrace, while dad sat down on her other side stretching out his arm behind my moms  shoulders, his fingers absentmindedly massaging my neck.

"What about the sleeping arrangements? Nova got my room when I moved out, and nothing is changed in her old room. Is it?" Phoenix reminded all of us, I hoped that this minor detail wouldn't come up.

When Phoenix moved out I was seven, and still loved my room. A few years later, at ten I had grown sick of it. I begged mom and dad to update it, but we didn't have the time to do it at that moment.

Since four of my brothers had moved out it was now four bedrooms I could take. I liked Phoenix's best so I chose that. Whenever he where spending the night he just used Orion or Vulcan's room. But now that they're coming back home it won't be an option anymore.

"Oh, I had totally forgotten about that room!" Mom exclaimed. "We definitely need to do something about that. In the meantime, Phoenix get his old room back. It is as you left it—"

"Expect from all of my personal belongings. Mom! You can't be serious, I can't sleep in that room!" Unbelievable! First I don't get to know that my brothers that I haven't seen in twelve years are coming back home tomorrow and now I have to move rooms. Unfair.

"Don't interrupt me, Nova. If you don't like it tell me after I finish my sentence. We will upgrade your old room in a week or so. It has a perfect bed. It's actually one of the best beds in the house." At that, mom sent dad a glare.

You see, when I was about six I was so mad because all of my friends had gotten a 'bigger girl' bed as I called it. I still had my tiny toddler bed.

I would cry to mom and dad hoping they would give me a new bed. I didn't think it would work until one day when I got home from school, dad had build a queen sized bed in my room. Mom was just as shocked as I was, also a little mad. I mean, I get why. A six year old doesn't really need a queen sized bed.

"Fine! I'll sleep in my old room." I hate to be the youngest.

Phoenix muttered a 'thank you' which I just returned with a small smile.

"So do you boys have anything planned for tomorrow night?" My dad asked my brothers. Of course I'm not included, because I am not legal yet.

"I thought Vulcan told you? They have reserved a table for us at one of the nicest restaurants in town. Not really uptight, but no children allowed." Caelum explained, giving me a tight lip smile.

"By the smile you just gave me I assume that 'children' is the term for everyone under eighteen. What's the place called?"  They can't be serious now, can they? Family my ass.

Who does Orion and Vulcan think they are. Coming home after twelve years and starting it by excluding me from the family festivities.

"It's a new place. I have never heard of it before. We could call in and ask if it's okay to bring you. I am sure they have pulled some strings before." Caelum resonated.

I just shook my head waving it of as 'I'm fine'. There is so many perfectly nice places to eat out in Seattle that allows people under eighteen in. If they managed to find the one restaurant that don't, they definitely don't want me to be there.

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