-To Find Out-

377 11 4

"You blew a hole in 'Saka's building?" I asked her as she laughed at her own story.

"Of course I did, yah think I would have left them without a parting gift?" X shrugged. 

"Never got your files back?"

"No, all I learned around the netrun shit was that one breach route to save them in a clandestine way on 'Saka servers but well they locked me out completely so that is of no use, they stole my ideas and I spent years there so there must be a shit tone of things I forgot with my mind being in pieces." She hissed, waving her glass around but somehow not spilling anything from it.

"Well they didn't take it well, when you sliced in their merc."

"He didn't complain."

"Because he was slashed open."

"How should I have known?!"

I shook my head, quite easily imagining her doing something like that.

I looked around, tracing the rim off my glass with a finger.

I didn't know if I should bring it up here, might be too sensitive for her.

"Looks like cat's got your tongue.... If you had one.... Do you have one?" Just how scatter brain is she? Rivaling Rebecca's I swear.

"Do not ask such a question." I waved it off.

"But is it interesting."


"Name's still X."

"I meant as in why would it be interesting?!"

"Because every implant is interesting, every one of them has its flaws and percs, of course I work on making mine flawless." She flicked her arm a few times as if she was showing the solidity of it. "It is a treasure cove of new and old ideas."

I guess as her mind fell apart under the strain of the many implants she has in her and her interest in them turned to pure obsession, I suppose that's where she directed herself, instead of violent outbursts of violence it was channeled into an obsessive hyperfixation on chrome and upgrading ones self.

I looked her over, sure, there existed fake skin that was basically yours skin with the same functions but I wondered how much of her body was actually chrome and how much is still organic.

"X." I said, bringing her back to earth and away from her daydream of who knows what machine or implant.

"Hmmm? What's it?"

"That's not really a sentence... But it has been on my mind.... What did you mean by ours back there." Morbid curiosity sometimes gets the best of people, we are just human after all.


"Talking with Rogue about the XBD."

"Oh that!" She threw her drink back in one gulp and actually stood with a stretch. "Let's go home for that shall we?" She was still smiling like she'd always do. "And I am driving this time."

"Only if you don't cause any accidents." I stood and followed after her.

"No promises!"


She didn't look all that bother that I had brought it up but even when I brought it up in the car she just shook her head and told me to wait for home.

Home... I guess her shop is my home currently, hell I stole her bed but last time I told her to sleep in it she used her arms to make herself a hammock with them off the roof, I don't know how that can be comfortable but I will not fight with crazy, they are too determined.

And she didn't crash the car!

"Home sweet home." She got out of the car and I followed. "Arms here I come!"

"First you explain."

"What? You have a vendetta against XBDs or something to cling to the knowledge something was done to me?" She smiled but I couldn't have.

"As a matter of fact I do, because of my crew and past because of family members. Do NOT ask me to elaborate."

"Chill choom I won't." She lifted her arms in the air. "It is not like that underaged girl's XBD, not the worst shit you ever saw but still something." Opening the shop door and waving me in before her.

"I want to know." I felt like I needed to know, I was already mad at whoever did something like that to her. "I don't know how to edit a BD but I know my way in finding the creators and tracking them down."

"Why you'd even wanna do that?"

"To fill them with lead." I casually said, hanging my coat on a chair by the door, wearing the fat unicorn T-shirt again under it, it is comfy alright? I am more then sure she didn't have ten of the same T-shirt and that they appeared after I told her I liked it but I have no way of proving that hypotheses, she doesn't crack under my questioning.

"Oooh feisty." She laughed, closing the door behind us. "But no need, they are already dead." She said, walking passed me and up to a shelf, rummaging through a box of spare chips, shards and BD disks before pulling one out with a X sharpied on it.

I pulled my hands out of my pockets, struggling to grab it as it was thrown at me when I wasn't ready, I closed my hand around it before it dropped on the ground.

"There's a BD headset in the back, all that you'll see there, all the people are dead and also those that ended up editing this, I can cover my tracks, maybe one or two of these exist in Night City still but yeah." She shrugged while I engraved that in my mind, thinking of a way to track down the other similar ones already.

"You kept on for yourself?" I asked, looking at it, not knowing how to feel about this. "Why.... I know your name it X!" I said before she could correct me.

She chuckled.

"I wasn't gonna correct you... To answer your question, why not?"

"It's just.... Ah, whatever." I shook my head. "Call for me when the takeout gets here."

"From that Kitkat place again?"

"Kota, that's the name and yes, whatever you want." Curiosity getting the best of me.

"Got it."

I pulled the curtain closed loosely, not caring it didn't close all the way.

I grabbed the visible headset of the small but long wardrobe and with now learnt movements, flopped on the bed without smacking my head off the wall.

"What are you doing Kiwi?" I asked once but the want to know was too big and, despite knowing I might regret this, slotted the XBD in the headset. "Well something did kill the cat." Talking of curiosity before the image came in

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