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I worked away on the weapon, honestly it was an easy fix, part of it got compressed from some crushing force.

'Some'.... Smasher's ass is enough crushing force to kill an elephant.

Kiwi would be mad if I said this out-loud but it is true, she can't believe the moment 'Saka was raided that I, and many, hadn't tuned into the the live-feed of the news helicopter to see the mess unfold.

Well that day I was out, that's how I found her.

She had some interesting implants but watching her try to stand and walk somewhere, there was still life in her, some fight left in those dying muscles and I can respect that.

So I guess despite the sweet money that would make me, I took it upon myself to fix her up instead.

I just wanted to extort money from her at the start, money is what makes the world turn and being a ripperdoc pays but illegal so I can't really get funding for it so I use whatever I can to get money from, tough world it is, strong eat the weak and who am I but a strong one?

But I guess along the days, I learnt to appreciate her face, she is a nice looking woman, which saved her from a lot.

I looked at the closed door with an amused sigh, you are quite the price to have Kiwi, a shame you don't reciprocate.... Ah well, I am patient, I can wait darling, you are a rare find after all.

I knocked on the door.

"Open up Kiwi, I am done!" I called, sitting back on two of my bionic arms.

"Only if you keep your mouth shut." I chuckled, how adorable you are.

"No promises."


"Name's X not Y." I sighed, telling her again and she slammed the door open right after it, her cigarette flicked at me.

I plucked it out of the with my upper left arm, that one have four 'fingers' to it so it is easier to hold something, lifting to my actually arm and grabbing it, taking a drag from it and keeping it in my mouth.

"Aim a bit better next time, could have burnt my stuff." I said, standing. "I wouldn't have been happy." I promised.

I reached up to the left side of my face and turned the disk with the three 'eyes' switching it to the lens that gave me normal vision in both eyes, the other two zoomed it, one more then the other.

"You are infuriating."


I wanted to throw something more at her but I knew I wouldn't have any more success then with my cigarette, losing it to her.

But the fact she didn't throw it away but was smoking it away felt weird.

I still grabbed Guts from her, looking at it up and down.

"You better not have upgraded it."

"Me? Upgrading anything? Who do you think I am?"

"That's why I ask." She put a hand on her heart.

"You wound me Kiwi, is this because of the fruits?" a robotic arm offered me one.

"Stop shoving fruit in my face." I swatted it away as she laughed and threw it up where the others were. 

"Alright sorry." She didn't sound sorry but I won't get much more from her currently.

I took more time to check if it was really like in old times and Guts was perfectly repaired tho the paint was chipped off, I didn't expect her to paint it since that was not the job I asked off her.

"Hey? Are the netrunning things here yet?" I asked, almost sounding hopeful, it was like withdrawal, I was antsy but this happens to all netrunners.

the net is a dangerous place with rogue daemons and AI even in the new net, not just the old net, there is a thrill to it that makes you feel alive, adrenaline and such, so I was quite eager to just roam it again now that I was a ghost in the system, to see how it was different.

"They are coming, calm your tits before you blow a fuse, you asked me this morning, you'll have your cables and screens with a cooler soon enough."

"Alright, thanks."

"Sure sure."

"Well I'll be right back, I need to drop this off to its owner."

"Sure, don't get lost."

"Not a chance."

I walked all the way to Rebecca's but stopped in the hallway before hers, not daring to turn the corner.

There is no way she would forgive me, not even with Guts.

But I came all the way here.

"You can do it." I breathed out, stepping out almost before I heard her door open as her voice came through.

"Bye choomba! Come again next time Helmet!" She sounded really excited.

I peeked out when the door closed to see a woman with a helmet near.

"You." I stepped out, she stepped back, lifting her arms a bit. "You know Rebecca right?"

She gave a slow nod.

"Give her this." I held it out to her. "Means a lot to her but she is mad at me, I want her to have it without her shooting it at me." I said in a short explanation.

She looked down, still not talking nor removing the helmet but I didn't care, everyone lives their life however they want in Night City, I have absolutely no right to judge someone for their life choices anyway.

She reached out and I dropped Guts in her arms.

"Careful, means a lot to her." I said before turning away running down the staircase, flying down it.

I hurried away as I knew Rebecca would know it was me, she acts like an idiot at times but she'll easily notice the note I slipped in the end of the barrel.

She's the one to hold grudges longer and I just can't face her yet, I lost all my courage when I got to that hallway since she was so close.

"KIWI!!!" I heard as I exited the building in a sprint, an angry scream, I didn't stop.

This is the first step to forgiveness and I am not brave enough to face it so... Sorry Rebecca but we won't meet today... Tho I hope Guts brings you joy.

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