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I sat there for longer then I can tell.

I was dead, nothing remained off me, all my traces, gone, all I owned, gone.

All I have is what I have on my body currently.

"But at least you are alive." I said, I was shocked Rebecca was alive, I wonder how because of her gun's looks it was a really bad thing that happened to her.

I wanted to call but I stopped myself, they were in this hell because of me... They would never wish to see me again... They barely accepted my help that day when I was still sure I was dying.

I stood up from the bench.

There is no way I can met them again, I can't look them in the face after what I did.... But I still need to redeem myself.... But how?

I have no contacts, no allies, no one.

"No.... There might be someone..." I muttered.


"That gonk Is just breaking her own heart." I shook my head as I threw the scarps of a Sandy high up and caught it with my left top robotic arm and put it in the scrap box on top of my fridge.

I sat back on my two lower arm as I grabbed a take out box and used my other two arms as a table.

Suddenly I was sitting at a normal table and the box of food was a second heart implant.

I stabbed my fork in it and lifted the piece to my mouth, tasting the pasta which caused my vision to snap out of its messiness.

I'd have thought psychosis was all wow and awe but I don't feel different, more people say I am crazy and weird and unhinged but I don't see it, it is them that call my a psycho while I am alright.

I finished my food, staring out the front door, staring into the pouring rain, wow even with these eye implants I could see nothing.... I should really buy a new door, it is getting cold on rainy nights.

They all say I short-circed, doing this to my body on purpose but I am my greatest creation and I need to better it.

One of these days 'Saka will regret trying to zero me for such a small accident, Smasher wasn't even mad, he said nothing!... Well half of his chest was cleaved out but that doesn't matter, he asked me to upgrade pain inhibitors for him, how could I have known he was not talking about the ones in his body.... And they dared to klep my data.

I threw the empty container in the corner of the room with a sigh as I stabbed another of my bionic arms in the ground as I crossed my legs at the knee and put my actually arm on the bionic chair-arm that was now in place, leaning into it.

"Those fuckin' gonks... Sandevistan from Santo, don't make me laugh, that's my weakest creation, you boy should have come to me and I'd have given you top notch shit for a few Eddies! But noooo.... Went and made himself a Tin Can and zeroed himself to the afterli--." I grabbed my head, hurting as much as Smasher's bitch slaps from back in the day.

"Ah fuck, I hate this." I chuckled as I felt blood drip from my nose and fell in my lap as I hunched over.

I reached out with my bionic left arm and grabbed something from a paper bag off a shelf as long as I could still think, like a heated rod was driven into my skull and brain.

I hated these episodes, it could get messy and I don't like cleaning up.

I popped the cap on the vial and the bionic arm jammed it in the socket for this purpose on the back of my neck build specially so a vial could be clicked in place there, it twisted.

Moments later I sighed, throwing the vial for it to explode against the wall, oops, I sometimes forget my bionic arm's strength hahaha...

I slapped my face a few times, shaking myself out, I don't need these vials like many Chrome Jocks, it is just the faster way to deal with these.

"I am a mad woman not a stupid one." I chuckled, standing up and off my arms, dusting myself off even if I did nothing. "It would be an inconvenience to break my toys." I grinned.

I walked to the door as my arms picked up a cigarette from the counter top and put it in my actual hand, I lifted it to my lips as the lower right one bent up and a small flame came out the end to light it.

I grinned as I leaned against the door frame, I look the sound of rain, it is calming to my racing mind that does all it can to go berserk but well, I am a scientist, I can't let it, I'd destroy all I create and that's a no go.... But I really need a front door to replace this missing one.

I shook out my bionic arm to make the fire go out, I made these babies from scratch, nothing else like these on the market.

Unlike other ripperdocs I also offered custom services not just implanting illegal chrome pieces, that is too boring, no.... For a fee I'll make anything you want me to make, that's the most fun in this job.

Like these arms, I made them because I was always missing enough arms to do my job but with these ones I can do everything I want but to not fry whatever I have left of my sanity completely I needed upgrades to myself.

My greatest achievement yet was not fucking zero when I changed my own back out piece back piece into a Sandy so that I could implant the arms.

The sound of steps cut through the rain along with whipping leather clothing too.

I turned my head, since I only have one normal eyes to see my patched up guest walking near.

"You look like you went through the wringer." I told her, not moving as I blew a ring of smoke with a smile. "Are you heartbroken enough now?"

"They are alive... Only David is dead." She said, looking at me with confidence she didn't have before, it was disorientation and sadness previously... I like this better. "The other three are alive."

"Night City chose to be lenient that night." I told her. "You already have my Eddies?"

"No." She shook her head. "'Saka wiped me off the net, the only people capable of doing such a furrow job, I have nothing remaining, no account, no birth certificate, no schooling records, I have nothing but what you see now."

"Tough luck." I shrugged. "A deal is a deal, Eddies in my hand at the end of the week."

"I am a netrunner... I can't work alone."

"I said it before, tough luck."

"But I have a proposition that may interest you."

"Take your shot choom and speak." I said, crushing the burnt out cigarette's between my fingers and flicking the butt of it out in the rain. "Lets see how you will plead for your life."

"I could bring in more income, crews, I might be a netrunner but even if I don't exist people will recognize me when they see me, I can pull in favors and such, looking for gigs on the net."

"You either want me to be a merc or you want to play the fixer lady job."

"Whatever would make me survive currently." She admitted calmly, hands in her pockets as she stood in the rain. "Since I don't exist anymore I need a place to stay, a netrunning station or something, I have some mistakes to fix and can't do it if I die."

I hummed, thinking.

"We do it eighty and twenty." I said.

"Eighty twenty? At least sixty forty, I need the money."

"Seventy thirty is all I am willing to drop too, you need to repay me after all and will be sticking around my workshop if we work together, it is a lot to ask of me so take it or leave it choom."

"Fine, seventy thirty."

"Pleasure doing business with you half-zeroed lady." I held my hand out her way to shake.

"The name's Kiwi not half-zeroed lady." She said with narrowed eyes as she grabbed my hand, I couldn't help a wider smile, not at all intimidated by her. "Nice to meet you."

"Call me X." I said with a wink. "And likewise."

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