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I spun a thin vial in my hands before stabbing it in my neck and throwing the empty vial away.

"Are you not scared you'll bleed yourself to death doing that once?" I looked at Kiwi with a grin.

"Wouldn't happen, I not stupid enough to have bioplastic blood vessels there, cyberware is useful true but it cannot heal on itself so the hole won't remain open."

"You can still bleed like this."

"A small risk I am willing to take." I looked at the road ahead.

"Why do you even use that? Doesn't help a psycho."

"That's where you have it false, these help someone normal stay normal, on solid land if you will, I am already in the waters of psychosis but I am swimming and this keeps me swimming when my mind wants to sink under the wave because of stress or the adrenaline of a fight, of anger, basically the emotions that help psychosis."

"So you could turn into a killing machine one of these days..."

"Kiwi." I looked at her but she was driving so her eyes remained at the front. "I'll always do my best to not hurt yah, whatever it takes."

"Why even? We haven't known each other for a month."

"False again, It has been three weeks but that doesn't matter and I've known you for longer, yeah you might not have been awake but humans have this cool ability to be able to form bonds for no reason."

"And for that reason you make sure to not hurt me?"

"I do gotta agree that it sounds far fetched but even so I really like you, I'd prefer you in one piece if possible." She sighed, probably not taking me seriously but I just smiled to myself, I can wait a long time if needed darling.


I yet again parked the car right on the curb, who'd stop me anyway?

I found it a little odd how it didn't bother me as to why X behaved the way she did with me, doing her best because she likes me.

Now I don't know which sort of like this one in and that, that's what felt weird, I felt casual about any of the types, be it as a friend or more. It felt just normal, like this was how it should be and it felt weird because because it wasn't weird.

I got out of the car, I'll think about this later. 

I looked at X's back as she walked her way towards the Afterlife before I followed, looking at her back.

It is quite odd how unused the Sandevistan is but from what she said one burst of it was enough, I am happy she didn't over do it, she is really fast even without it.

"Hello there, we have your chip tho dead corpses liter a certain Maelstrom building." X casually addressed Rogue and I wanted to rip her head off, no X no, you need to be polite, she'll have your head.

"Seems you left a limb or two back there." Rogue said back, putting her glass down.

"They fell asleep, left them at home."

"Not often you do that, if I remember well it is like ripping a limb off." I stared a hole in X's head. "Seems like you didn't tell Kiwi about that did you?"

She looked at me and stepped back with an awkward chuckle as she rubbed her neck.

"You wanted me discrete." She explained herself.

"Not if that means literally amputating yourself you idiot." I hissed, not liking the idea she hurt herself simply because I asked.

"Well sorry."

"Anyway before I lose my mind with this woman, here's the XBD." I handed it to her.

"Thanks." And crack.... The next moment Rogue snapped it in two in between her fingers. "The money has been transferred to you."

"We went through that trouble and you broke it." I breathed out.

"All I can tell you it the client wished for all copies to be destroyed, the others got taken care off this was was to check if you were up to expectations."

"I told you she was testing you." X told me, nudging me with her elbow which I slapped away. "But I am quite happy it is broken, no one can see that shit anymore like they could ours."


"Good job girls I think we'll make good associates." Rogue smiled before putting an end to the conversation by walking away. "Do have a drink, first on the house."

"Come on, lets sit, you promised me alcohol and I promised you a story about Arasaka and I." She pulled me to a little table up against the side wall with only two chairs facing each other but bolted to the ground like the table.

"I want more then one story." That 'our' sloshing around in my thoughts.

"I'll gladly answer your questions, that's the least I can do." She grinned.

"Start with 'Saka."

"Alright, from the start."

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