I call this an absolute win

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Elijah arrived at JigJig street, the store the two people he was looking for was just at the right end of the street.

Elijah didn't even enter inside the street yet and he could already see the prostitutes at standbye on their respective shops.

He ignored all the atempts the prostitutes do to gain his attention, from fondeling their boobs and moaning through a more slutry and dominant approach.

Elijah ignored all of it and went straight to find the shop that was at the far end of JigJig, He asked around for the location of Fawkes's Clinic, Every person he asked seemed to be familiar to the name and pointed to the direction of the clinic.

Elijah arrived at the Clinic and opens the door and was greeted by the sight of the man who tortured her sister and was currently reading the newspaper while sitting on the surgical chair.

Fawkes doesn't look like the man he was before, The crazed look he had 2 years ago changed to a more formal look, The messy hair was now combed neatly and the deep eye bags he had was lighten, he looked just like a sophisticated doctor that would tend to what the patient needed.

When Elijah saw Fawkes Infront of him he felt the rage boiling up inside himself but did his best to act like a normal citizen wanting an upgrade.

"Oh! Welcome!" Fawkes said happily. standing up from the surgical bed Fawkes walks up to Elijah and offered to sit down at couch that was at the opposite side of the room.

The smell of the clinic is what only Elijah could describe to be a mixture of Iron, medicine and something burning.

The clinic itself was smaller than Victor's but the design was very much more better, it looked like a proper hospital surgical room with all the proper tools on the right area.

"So what can I help you with?" Fawkes said, putting on his glasses and takes a good look at Elijah.

Elijah pretends to Smile and praise Fawkes to lighten him up. "I heard from some of the people outside you sell some good chrome" Elijah said hunching forward. "Can I take a look?" Elijah asked.

Fawkes's happy face turned cold and walked towards the windows and closed the blinds.

"Follow me" He said, walking towards the back side of the room leading to a cold room full of fridges.

"All chrome you'll need, some are rare and some are just mibir upgrades, take a look and I'll plant it to ya." He said, walking back to the wall near the door and leaning on it, he began to scan Elijah for any possible information on the customer he is currently having.

Name : Elijah Pines
Age : 20
NCPD Bounty : None
Criminal Background : reportedly stolen a firetruck.

After reading the information that appeared Infront of Fawkes eyes he smiled maniacally the time has finaly come for him to have another playmate

Elijah who was looking around the fridges walked near the fridge that Fawkes was standing on. Elijah pulled out his Overture Revolver and turned around to aim his gun at Fawkes's Leg.

He aimed and shot at Fawke's leg but he inhumanely dodged the bullet, Elijah fired 5 more times now aiming at Fawke's body but he still dodged everything, every dodge he made was like a blur of speed, Fawkes reacted the moment Elijah pulled the trigger.

Fawkes is going to strike a punch to Elijah's face, Elijah was going to dodge it but the eye that had a different version started to malfunction and completely removed the vision from his eye and continued to punch his face with his metal hand, Elijah was already bloddy and bruised.

"Tell your sister I said Hi when you meet her HAHAHAHA" Fawkes laughed while beating Elijah's face.

Elijah didn't get the chance to avoid the punches at him since it was directed at his blind spot. When Fawkes sat on Elijah's stomach Elijah used the opportunity to use his flexibility and kick Fawkes's nape making Fawkes dizzy and discombobulated, While Fawkes was dizzy and out of focus because of the kick Elijah used the chance to push him off and grabbed his Overture.

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