Memories of The Past #2

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Wake up to reality, Nothing ever goes as plan in this accursive world - Madars

The cold night breezes on the two children who was still hiding at the right side of the church, they were waiting for Caroline to leave.

At Elijah's current state he couldn't look at his mother the same way after hearing what hi father just said. he was angry that he was lied to, he was angry that they kept it hidden from him all this time but still, Elijah felt gratefully that he grew up having fun and not questioning himself if he was the reason his mother abandoned him.

He was just an angry, sad and confused little boy, He didn't want to confront his father and sister about this matter because he knows that his father was already hurting if he pressed further his father would just fee more hurt if he saw his son being angry at him, even though Elijah has every right to.

It wasn't before long that Caroline left once more, saddened depressed and regretful, before she leave once again ,she would later secretly visit her previous home again just to see her baby girl that was now a teenager and her baby boy that she hadn't had a chance to see grow up because of her cowardice.

Elijah and Judy stood up when Caroline left, Elijah also stopped crying and began to thank Judy for comforting him.

"Im sorry you had to hear that Judy" Elijah said rubbing the back of his neck. Judy sighs in sadness and put a hand on his shoulder.

"You shouldn't be sorry to me. It was painful for me to see you react during their fight. You're my friend El we should have each others back." She explained.

"L- Let's just go home Judy" Elijah said, The happiness and enjoyment he was feeling earlier was now  completely depleted.

"Alright" Judy agreed as they stood up from the floor and went back home. their way back to their house was quiet, when they reach their houses they said goodbye to each other before entering their own houses.

Miranda was about to get angry at Elijah for comming 30 minutes later of their agreed play time but when she saw the glum look on her brother's face her his eyes were puffy and red her attitude changed immediately

"Did Judy reject you? whats wrong?" Miranda asked facing her brother with a sad look.

Elijah flicked his eyes to her direction and looked down again. "No, just a bad day." He replied before going up the stairs to his room.

he fell face first on his bed and wanted to sleep but he heard the creek sound of his door opening  and saw Miranda enter his room, She sat on the bed and put her hand on his arm.

"You're still young Ej yo-" Miranda tried

"ITS NOT THAT MIRANDA!" Elijah yelled sadly "I saw mom, Miranda! I saw her, the pictures Dad showed us when we were young It was her!" Elijah yelled once more while gripping the sheets  on his bed."You said she was working, but why did dad say that she left?" Elijah sniffed and looked at his sister for answers.

Meanwhile Miranda had the shock of horror and sadness on his face, her little brother found at the worst way possible about the truth, Miranda was about to hug her brother tightly and apologize when Elijah's door opened again and Hiroshi arrived with a box of donuts and cokes, He was happy his earlier depressed state couldn't be seen anymord

"There you two are!" Hiroshi said smiling happily. "Dad got out of work earl-" Hiroshi saw his son was crying and his daughter as well, Hiroshi put down the box of donuts and sat beside his children.

"Hey Hey what wrong why are you two  crying whats wrong?" He said wiping the tears from his children's eyes.

"He saw mom, dad." Miranda said fidgeting with her fingers. Hiroshi gasps.

"You were at the church?" Hiroshi asked him his eyes showing surprise, Elijah nodded and just looked down.


"Son, I'm sorry for lying." Hiroshi whispered while hugging his son. Elijah hugged back and wiped his tears.

"Its fine dad I already know why, I just wanted to let it out, I'll eat tomorrow I just want to sleep today." Elijah said laying down om his bed.

Miranda walked out the room and Hiroshi followed nit before kissing his son on the forehead and telling him goodnight taking the donuts with him.

When Miranda and Hiroshi left the room they went to the kitchen, Miranda sadly looked at his father and sighs.

"Why were you early today?" She asked.

"You're not going to ask about your mother?" Hiroshi asked perplexed.

"I'm not going to care for someone who didn't for me." Miranda said irritated, she leaned on the counter and crossed her hands.

Hiroshi sighs and scratched his head. "A company bought laguna bend, they're  gonna come here next week to move all the citizens out.

Miranda bit her lip and scrunched her eyebrow. two bad news in one day is just to much. she worried that her brother would refuse to leave.

(A/N- Short chapter to end flash back chapter.)

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