chapter -10 Raghav realised his feelings

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Raghav was missing Manvi a lot.
Raghav had now become accustomed to Manvi, today the cabin seemed empty without Manvi. Raghav was never like this. Earlier, he had never felt so much pain about someone's departure, but today Raghav was restless due to Manvi not being in front of him.

Why did you come to my life you idiot girl? got me used to you , Raghav said to himself, holding his head.

Why am I thinking so much about  her ? , I should concentrate on my work, Raghav mumbled and started turning the pages of the file.

At Manvi's House

"Manvi!...Maanvi!", are you not going to college?, Jaya ji asked Maanvi, knocking on Maanvi's door.

"No.. Mother, I am not feeling well today, Maanvi replies.

"Not feeling okay.. what happened to my baby girl?", Jaya ji said this and quickly entered the room.

"Nothing!", "mom!.. I couldn't sleep last night because of an assignment", so i got tired", Maanvi said to mom.

"OK...Okay, you take rest , no one will bother you...OK dear", Maanvi's mother ( Jaya ji) gently kisses  on Maanvi's forehead.

"Yes...Mom", please lock the door while leaving", Manvi said to her mother.

"Okay.. you just relax,"  jaya ji said while leaving the room.

Jaya ji closed the door and left the room.

"Ahhh.. I don't want to go to college at all, Manvi said to herself.
Raghav's speech started revolving in Manvi's mind again.

"I don't want to see him again,  what is his problem from me?, Maanvi thought angrily in her mind.

"Ahh.. I don't even want to think about him, let's call Priya to see if she has returned the file or not",  Maanvi said while picking up her phone.

Manvi picks up her phone and calls Priya.

"Hello!", Maanvi said to Priya over the phone.

"Hello! Maanvi, are you alright now?", Priya asked Maanvi with a worried face.

"Yes !... I am much better than yesterday", Maanvi replied to Priya.

"That's good", Priya replies with taking a breath of releif.

"Have you returned that file to him", Manvi asked Priya.

"Yes..I did it very first after coming to college, priya replies .

"Good" ;   now Tell me  today's homework which the teacher  given today, Manvi asked Priya.

"Yeah... I'll tell you when he give", Priya told Maanvi.

"Yeah ", Manvi replies.

"Now I am going to class sir  have come to class, I will call you after class, Priya said to Maanvi in ​​a low voice.

"Ok... ",Manvi replied.

Maanvi  cut the call and put down her phone with laying on the bed.

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to lie down on bed like this", says Manvi closing her eyes.

At college in cabin room

After checking the file, Raghav took out a pen to sign it but his pen was not working.

"Manvi!....Do you have extra pen?", he asked while looking at the file, then very next second he remembers that Manvi was not there.

"Oh... God have I got used to that crazy girl ?", he said to himself and opened his desk drawer.

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