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Chloe was crying and sobbing, she couldn't believe how someone can be this cruel. She was hugging Andrew, who was also crying silently on her shoulder. Long forgotten that she was consoling the same person, who gave her only pain.

After meeting Andrew, she taught her life was the most miserable one but after knowing his story she can't retaliate. How can someone face this many atrocities of life at such a tender age.

Her thoughts were interrupted when Andrew detached himself from her. He spoke calmly.

"After that I told police about everything but what they did, they kept me in cell for days and everyday they would beat the shit out of me. Because, that pathetic bastard paid them money. That was when I know if I want justice then I have to work for it. I worked hard. I trained on the streets. Every day, I fought on the same place where I earned money for Lucy. Where you had everything, I had nothing. Where you ate good fresh food, I ate stale bread. Where, you sleep on your warm mattress, I slept on cold, hard streets. I'm this way because this world mold me into this. There is no place for weak in this society and I learned it a hard way."

She felt a kind of pain in her heart, which she didn't want to feel. She can feel how vulnerable he was. And it tore her apart.

"After that I wasn't the same Andrew. I wasn't the same kid anymore. On Lucy's funeral I decided to take my revenge on each single person who was involved in my misery."

He seethed in anger. She was taken aback by seeing his change demeanor all of a sudden. His red shot eyes met hers as he menacingly spoke.

"You know what I did to that mafia boss who rapped my mother. I tortured him for seven months and eight days precisely. Each week I chopped his one finger and when there wasn't any finger left then I slashed his flesh and fill that slash with salt and then I sew it up. His screams were so satisfying. When, there wasn't much plane flesh left on his body then I allowed my doctor to heal him. In one month he was good to start again with. Last torture was when I whipped him and then pour alcohol on him he was writhing in pain and in the last I chopped off his penis. He was alive when I slashed his chest and ripped his heart out of his body that thing was still beating in my hand. But after some time that thing also stopped beating."

Chloe looked horrified at him. The thing scared her to death wasn't the torture he was telling about, it was the way he was smiling while telling her, like he's dictating the ending of a romantic story. She was so petrified of him, that she moved away from him and was about to run out of the room.

This was the Andrew she dreaded the most, she saw this vicious side of him on that night and this Andrew sitting beside her was the same one from that night. She scanned the room and the door to make a run for it. She can't hear anymore of this.

In an instant she made a dash towards the door. Before she could turn the knob, a rough hand was placed on top of her delicate one and a hard chest was pressed firmly on her back. She gasped and tried to wriggle from the side but was stopped when Andrew slammed his fist on the wall beside her. She intake a sharp breath. Dread seeped into her bones.

She didn't dare to turn around but Andrew wasn't having it. He roughly turned her around facing him. He knew he was scaring her, but he can't help it. He can't have her running away from him. He wanted her to know what true of a monster he is, he wanted her to know each side of him. If, he's going to be her gentlemen then she must know there's a demon which resides in him.

"You know what I did to that guy who told me that I should be thankful to them that they are burying my mother instead of cutting her into pieces and feeding her to the wild animals."

Chloe's eyes shot towards his red shot ones, she immediately closed her ears with her hands. She can't hear anymore. She was scared.

Andrew smiled at her innocent tactics. He held both of her wrists in one hand above her head. And pressed his body firmly on hers making her gasp, he was feeling all her soft curves pressed against his hard muscles. He huskily spoke.

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