Part 27 | Terrified

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Huffing in annoyance, you sat up in bed, blowing your hair out of your eyes.

"Why can't I get to sleep?" you grumbled quietly, pushing the covers back and sliding out of bed.

Grabbing your wand and a jumper, you stepped out of your room and into the hallway before teleporting to Lokis room.

Opening the door as quietly as possible, you slipped inside, creeping quietly along the floor.

"Hello darling" Loki mumbled, rolling over to face you. "Are you okay?"

"Sorry Lokes, I didn't mean to wake you" you whispered apologetically. "I couldn't sleep."

"You're always welcome love" he smiled sleepily, holding his covers open for you.

"Thank you" you whispered back, crawling in beside him. "You're surprisingly warm for a frost giant."

"Oh shush" he chuckled, wrapping his arms around you tiredly. "Why can't you sleep my darling?"

"I don't know, it's really annoying me."

"And you'll somehow be able to sleep more comfortably around me?"

"Believe it or not I actually like your company" you smiled, snuggling into his chest.

The God chuckled quietly, kissing your forehead gently. "Try to get some sleep my dear."

"Thanks Lokes, you're the best" you sighed as he tucked your head under his chin, holding you close.


"Darling" a voice whispered. "It's time to wake up."


"Unfortunately it is" Loki chuckled, kissing your cheek. "We have classes to teach."

"Sometimes I have no motivation" you sighed, opening your eyes slowly to see the God smiling down at you, his arms wrapped around your waist. "Morning Lokes."

"Good morning darling, how was your sleep?"

"It was very good thanks to you, your a comfortable pillow" you grinned. "Thank you for letting me stay."

"Of course love, whatever you need."

An hour later, you and Loki were walking towards your class when you heard screams coming from down the hall.

As you drew closer, the two of you realised it was coming from your classroom.

When you opened the door a blonde man tumbled out, his wavy hair dishevelled.

"Oh wonderful, sixth graders" he smiled cheerily, shutting and locking the door with the students still inside. "Would you deal with that for me? You're a dear."

Before he could get away Loki grabbed him by the collar of his cloak, pulling him back.

"Why the fuck were you in our classroom terrorising our students?" you snapped.

"Your classroom? You see, I think you must be mistaken-"

"Oh yes yes, after fifty years of working at this school I must have mixed up where I work" you interrupted sarcastically. "I'm not going to deal with you right now because my students are locked in the room, terrified."

With a flick of Loki's wrist, the man was half merged into the wall, leaving him unable to escape.

"Hey! I am a Professor! You cannot treat me lik-"

"Be quiet" the God snapped, sealing his mouth shut.

Pushing open the door, the pair of you were met with chaos.

Two Worlds Collided | Loki x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now