Part 7 | It's Saturday

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"Get up."


"It's morning, you should be awake."

"Contrary to that statement, it's Saturday. I have no classes, so piss off."

Loki rolled his eyes, looking down at where you were snuggled under your blankets.



"You need to get up."

"Why" you whinged, blowing a strand of hair out of your face. "It's comfortable here, and I'm warm. Stop being so productive."

"Lazy" he chuckled, sitting beside your legs.

"And proud of it" you grinned, rolling onto your back. "I've just done a full working week dealing with magical human children, I need a break."

The God chuckled again, conjuring a mug of hot chocolate. "Here you are then."

"You're the best Lokes."

"I know" he smirked, laughing as you rolled your eyes. "Do you have quidditch training tonight?"

"Yeah, Gryffindor practice."

"Good luck dealing with the twins."

"I'll be lucky if they don't take me out with a bludged" you grumbled, sipping at the warm drink.

"Good morning dear, I was- oh, good morning Loki" McGonagall greeted, smiling slightly as she stepped in the door.

"Morning Minnie" you waved, creating a pillow stack and sitting up against it.

"Good morning Minerva" Loki said politely, giving her a small nod.

"Fancy" you snickered, peering over the edge of your mug.

"You need to brush your hair sweetie" Minerva sighed, waving her wand and fixing the birds nest that it was (Ignore this is you have short hair, sorry <3)

"I thought I looked very stylish."

Loki chuckled, shaking his head slightly as McGonagall laughed quietly.

"Right, of course you did."


"Greetings and salutations mortals!" You sang out, following Loki into the dorms allocated for the Avengers.

After talking to Dumbledore, he had allowed them to stay in the castle, as long you and Loki kept them under control.

Hogwarts being the magical place it is suddenly had a perfectly good dormitory not far from yours with just the right amount of rooms for them all.

"Morning y/n" they chorused, the group spread out around the common room.

"Hi Miss Y/n!" Peter beamed, bouncing over to you. "This place is incredible! When Pietro tried to go into the girls dormitories the stairs turned into a slide and threw him out!"

"Thanks Peter" The speedster grumbled from a squashy armchair, sporting a few brides from the incident.

"Now, you lot can wander around this floor today, DO NOT change floors. I mean it. You might come across Fluffy" you threatened.

Tony snorted. "Fluffy? What's it going to do, lick us?"

"I highly doubt a gargantuan three-headed dog has any interest in licking you" Loki hummed, inspecting one of the bookshelves.

"Anyway" you continued, trying not to laugh as their faces paled. "I have to train the Gryffindor  quidditch  team tonight, so you lot can come and watch that."


"Wonderful, bye" Loki interjected, taking your hand and teleporting out the door.

"Loki" you laughed, straightening your shirt.

"Yes?" He replied in mock innocence,smiling as you laughed again.


"Hi Peeves."

"Ah, morning young one! How's life in these hallowed halls?" The poltergeist asked, juggling  bits of chalk as he whizzed around your heads.

"Never boring, that's for sure."


I love peeves, I wish he'd made it into the movies

This is short cause I need sleep, I've been working on my history exam🤌 enjoyyyyy

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