(24) Found You 🫣

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(Realizing now the chapter was unfinished. It's updated now. Enjoy baes! And just an announcement.
*Next part is kinda an MHA spoiler BUT THIS NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED*
Just because Bakugo dies in the manga *technically not necessarily confirmed yet* DOESN'T MEAN YOU GUSY SHOULD BE KILLING YOURSELVES OVER A HOT FICTIONAL CHARACTER 😭
Yes some people commuted suicide because of this..guys just please don't.. like why-..and stay safe y'all.
I love him too 😩)


I jumped out the first floor window and sat on the grass with my arms resting on my knees.

I couldn't stop thinking about what he said. His voice just kept repeating in my head.

"Just don't.. take it out on her. She has a good heart, is strong as fuck, fun..to be around and is twice the person you'll ever be. Mean and ugly girls like you...I've always despised them, and that will never change." I put my hand over my heart, feeling my fast paced heartbeat.

Why did my heart beat so fast when he stood up for me? How did one sentence from him stop me from crying? ...Where is he right now?

Loud footsteps we're heading in my direction. I hesitated, taking a moment to look up, wiping my face with my sleeve. "Y/N!"

What the- speak of the devil.

Bakugo stook his head out the window, taking a second to catch his breath.

"I-I finally found you."

"Ehh?!?" I paused. "You've been looking for me this whole time?!" The socket under my eyes was still swollen from all my crying.

He looked away. "Maybe.." I buried my face in my hands a bit flustered.

"..." He jumped down on the grass next to me. "So...are you uh good now?"

I didn't answer.

He sighed and rested his cheeks on his palm, pushing in his dimples. "God your so confusing. One second you answer me and the other second you don't." He mumbled. "Girls..tch"

I ignored his last sentence and looked up at him.
"..." "Baku can I try something?"

He tilted his head to the side. "Oh so now you wanna talk to me." I partially laughed while punching him in the arm. "I'm fine, just answer my question you dumb pomeranian."

He paused, still looking flushed. "You can do w-whatever the hell you want." I smirked and flexed all the muscles I don't and never will have 😞

"BETTT SAY LESS" I said as I quickly got up and sat down on his lap before he could change his mind. His shoulders tensed as his face started burning up. "Y/n-" I winked as I put my finger in front of his mouth in attempt to shush him.

"Your fault for agreeing with it!" I layed back on him, the back of my body pushed against his chest. He effortlessly scowled and rested his chin on the top of my head. "Don't crush my thighs princess." Princess?! ☺️💅 I could feel him smiling. Wait a minute..

"HOE!! Did you just imply that I'm heavy?!" I turned around and pulled his ear as Zach and Ushijima, a few volleyball partners I recognized from my old school passed by. "Yooo y/n get a room~" "For real, no one needs to see you flirting." Bakugo and I protested. "HEY! ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" They laughed "Mhm totally~" as they walked off.

I wordlessly stuttered "H-Hey!" but my words were drowned out by the sound of the morning bell. "Class time shitters! Oh and last person from every class gets no lunch!"

I looked up in alarm, still sitting on Bakugo's lap. "Is that a new bell?! Bro we gotta go!!" He ignored me and wrapped his arms around my stomach. !! "What are you-"

He shamelessly smirked as he tightened his grip. "If you can get back to class before me, I'll make you dinner. However, if you lose, your sleeping on the couch and you have to do whatever I say for the rest of the day." I raised my eyebrows. "Forget the last part! Did you say you'll cook for me?!" He nodded his head. "ALRIGHT BET. BOOM BOOM BOY YOUR ON."

He released me and we both got up, firing up our quirks. "On your marks.." I shot him a side eye. "Are you ready to get your ass whooped for the second time?!" He laughed. "There's no way your beating me again!!! It was beginners luck. Have fun sleeping on the couch today dork!" I scowled. "We'll see about that!"


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