Chapter 55

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"Zoya please stay with me" I said while applying pressure to her wounded shoulder. "Dillian it-its okay I- I'm fine" she said while trying to control her breathing.

"Stop it....stop saying you're okay when you're  not. You're bleeding out and we're in the middle of a war where we do t even k owing whether will be okay in the next 2minutes or not. Stop pretending Zoya , just stop. Please" I said as I hugged her placing my forehead on hers.

I felt her hand touch my cheek and I pulled away slightly to be able to look at her. She smiled through her tears.

"I'm saying that I'm okay because I with you. As much as I'm not a fan of you right now. You make me feel safe. You make me feel protected that's why I'm telling you now that I'm okay. Because I really am Dillan and this it'll all end and what's meant to be okay will be okay I promise." She said and kissed my cheek.

"Now I need you to take the knife on my thigh and remove that bullet" she said and my eyes literally popped out of my sockets.


Alex's POV

"Alex the new password has been installed. It's-" but I cut his off. "No Andre don't tell me. Keep it only between you two. Up until everything is over"  I said and got baq to shooting again.

"We're seriously getting out numbered" yelled Allan who was taking out the others from above me.

Just then cars started arriving firing shots at the opponents. "What the hell took you guys so long?" Yelled Archie. "We had  bad company at our  base  took a while to do the negotiations." Yelled Vince. Allan just shook his hands.

"What though we were watching or doing Dirty Dancing" yelled Vannessa as she got into position with her sniper.

Everyone just ignored her and started to get back to business. And just when we thought we were winning  , the Arabian Mafia burst into the party 

"Oh how precious" muttered uncle Bruden Vincent's father. "It's gonna be a long night." He said while shooting every thing insight towards the western exit.

Zoya's  POV

"There down to 20% about 100 people from outside can take them down. " Maria through the ear piece.

"Then make Fareez , Miles  and Mirach  go with the rest to the Italian  base I have a feeling that  they need us more." I said while throwing my blade to a girl charging towards one of the recruits.

"Dillan you and the rest of the crew herd back to the main base where everything is going on. We'll finish this  as soon as possible and I'll met you there." I said and Dillan let out a laugh.

"I'm sorry but I'm not leaving you" he said. "Everyone else will go. But I'll only move if you move with me"  he said causing my heart to beat 10 times faster.

I just looked at him and nodded  and he smiled back.

"Everyone move , move , move. 1pack stay and finish this" yelled Fareez and she got Everyone  into SUVs.

"Let's end this" I said to myself and let all my instincts take over because I wanted this to be finished quicker and I wanted to  get back to my family quick.

Alex's POV

It's no matter what we  try these guys are behaving like aliens. They just come back more and more after we think we're already finishing everything.

Fareez walks up to me and drags me out of the field.

"There's a camp 200meters here. They are retrieving wounded people and stitching them back up before sending them back in. We need to take this risk and create a diversion.

Aim a bomb to place where most people are at. Don't kill them but injure them really badly that they don't  Amy other option but to retrieve once they do we blow up the camp where most people will be at the moment." She says.

I nodded "thanks Fareez. I wouldn't have done this much without you or your boss. Thank you to her too." I said. For the first time I find myself bowing down to the leader of this Academy. She's phenomenal.

"She'll be here soon. She just finishing off some mess at the academy then she'll be here. And trust me on this one you'll know when she arrives." She said and smiled before she indicated to put the plan in motion.

I took three grenades and walked iver to the south side where most opponents where at the moment.

I throw 3 grenades one after the other and they do land  a few steps away from them before going of which causes most of them to get badly hurt.

"Wow , what a waste of precious tools right there" said Archie who was the closest to me. "Trust me on this'll love the end result" I said and patted his shoulder before grabbing the gun and rejoining the shoots.

Wondering why the police hasn't shown up by now. One because we are exactly a good 2hours away from urban attraction.  And they already knew which Mafias were involved and didn't want to lock horns with them so they decided to ignore.

Dillan's POV

"That's the last of it. Let's get moving" I said as I wrapped my arm around Zoyas waist as to support her and give less pressure to her left leg where she was shot on the thigh.

"The last of it. Really Dillan" said a voice I knew all too well. Turning  around I see her with a shot gun in her  hand pointing at us , me to be exact.

"We told you to go and never come back. As if that's not enough you see this as a beautiful way to come and end your life for good ?" I said as I felt all my anger towards her increased.

"Oh please Dillan  I raised you and there was a time you used to call me mother. I was everything to you. And all that changed because you know what your really mother. How betrayed do you expect me to feel.?" She asked adding  a hurt voice to her pathetic speech.

"Mom? Is this what's this all about. Me not calling you mom. Or its something else?" I asked. I felt Zoya pinch my back  trying to keep me provoking her as we didn't have any weapon and she had a loaded gun that could go off any time.

"Yes , but not 100%  I mean I have alot of grudges. The first one is you stripping me off my title as your mother and the Retired Donna of the Russian Mafia. Then there's that pathetic twin of yours Delma who beat me brutally and got me into a comma for two good weeks. Then there's your mother Nallel. The all so perfect daughter wasn't she. The perfect life , perfect husband,  perfect  children , perfect  family , perfect house and even perfect friends but still she managed to get out of my cage even after I made sure to.get her stuck in rehab."
She said and chuckled. "But Dillan you're the Don of the Russian  Mafia now." She said taking steps closer to us.

"That means killing you will.make me the Donna of that Mafia and I'll gladly do it right now. Your girl is even too weak to fight. And your morals won't allow you to beat up a woman. So Dillan by the power invested in me I now walk you to the doors of death."

As the sound off the gun rung through my ears. I felt Zoya stiffen beside me and I could actually feel the blood that had splashed onto my face.

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