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Now that he acknowledged his feelings, Hakim couldn't look at Gigi the same way anymore. She'd become a different person, almost unreal at times. He couldn't stop looking at her and wondering how he'd never noticed how much she meant to him. If it wasn't for Antoine, he probably would have never realized.

What he felt for her was different from his feelings for Shan. Though both were quite strong and genuine, Hakim had to admit that he only had eyes for Gigi lately. There were many reasons contributing to it. First of all, there was a distance between him and Shan. Then, he couldn't ignore the doubts that were clouding his mind about her, even if he had no serious proof yet. The fact was that he couldn't control his heart and for now, it had decided that it liked Gigi and no one else.

She sat on the living room's couch with her laptop. The serious look on her face proved that she was working, as she did often in her free time, even though she was on holiday. Hakim stood by the door and watched her type quickly on her keyboard. Her eyes were following the words on the screen through her glasses. She was very concentrated, so it allowed him to watch her without getting caught.

Beautiful, he told himself, a hand passing over the back of his neck. Everything she did was now oddly attractive, even writing her emails. Hakim was almost jealous of the computer that had all of her attention. He wanted Gigi's eyes on him instead. She'd woken up in him those emotions he never thought he had. Even with Shan, he'd never felt an ounce of jealousy despite her having so many male friends. Everything was just different when it came to Gigi.

Cautiously, he walked into the living room and stood behind the couch. If she felt her presence, she didn't let it show. Hakim waited for a while, hoping that she'd say something to him but she didn't. He sighed and placed his hands on both of her delicate shoulders. He'd decided to give her a massage.

"You need something?" Gigi asked without taking her eyes away from the computer.

There were too many things he needed. Yet, Hakim didn't say anything. He continued relieving the tension on her shoulders. Gigi wanted to stay concentrated and get some work done but it was an impossible task when the man she couldn't stop thinking about was right behind her, breathing down her neck.

She tried, though. She tried to hold on to her focus but eventually, a laugh came out of her mouth. She turned her head around to look at Hakim.

"Can't you see that I am doing something?" She said with a smile.

"Hmm...Something like what?"

"Like work. You know I have a business to run, right?"

"I thought it was now Sasha's responsibility now?"

"Well yes but Sasha needs help otherwise she'll lose her mind and you, handsome devil, are making it very hard for me. You do want Sasha to keep her sanity, yes?"

"I do...But not more than I want to spend time with you."

Hakim took a seat next to her on the couch and quickly disposed of the computer that was on Gigi's lap.

"Hey!" She complained lightly.

Gigi enjoyed playing hard to get. She frowned but Hakim wasn't fooled by her expression. He got her to smile again with only two small kisses on her lips.

"I don't think I will ever be able to work again while you are around." She said, passing her manicured fingers in his beard.

"You're not even supposed to. We are on our honeymoon, remember?"

Hakim took her glasses off just so he could dive deeper into the hazel of her eyes. He also brushed a hand over her brown hair, watching how the stands framed her face so perfectly.

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