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Gigi woke up in Hakim's arms

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Gigi woke up in Hakim's arms. It felt unreal, almost as if she was still trapped in a dream. She opened her eyes to the sight of his beautiful face, a few inches away from her own. She'd slept on his chest, his arms wrapped around her and she never felt safer.

Gigi was in love. Madly, deeply in love. The smile on her face didn't want to fade, even though her jaw started hurting. She poked Hakim's right cheek and giggled like a child. He made her that way. Thanks to him, all she wanted to do was laugh, play and shower him with hugs and kisses. She wondered if he was even real as she passed a finger over his facial features. She did it lightly so he wouldn't wake up, even if she wished he did. She wanted to see his eyes on her again. She wanted to repeat last night's events.

She blushed as she thought of it again and bit her lower lip. After their shower, Hakim carried her to the bed. She never knew how much she enjoyed being carried before last night, perhaps because Hakim was the first to do so, as far as she could remember. He made her feel taken care of as if she could just let go of all responsibilities and it was a delicious feeling.

They made out like teenagers for the most part of the night. Gigi wished they'd taken it a bit further but Hakim was shy and clearly not willing to enjoy the intimacy between them. Gigi knew why. It was all because of Shan. Now more than ever, she was convinced of Hakim's feelings for her but if she wanted him to accept them, she'd have to get rid of Shan. Luckily, she wasn't worried about that. She had plans.

Gigi got out of bed after leaving a deep kiss on Hakim's cheek. She was in a great mood and decided to go for a morning run and maybe pick up something delicious for breakfast. She brushed her teeth, cleansed her face, and wore her workout outfit.

She was humming joyously when she made her way to the kitchen. Gigi was a bit surprised to see her son there. He opened and closed the fridge door with a bored look on his face.

"Oh. Good morning, honey. Strange to see you awake this early..."

Thomas smirked. He closed the fridge's door for good and sat at the counter.

"I can say the same thing about you, mom. Not only did you wake up early but you are also in a great mood."

"Uh Huh. I sense that today will be a great day!"

She filled a bottle with water.

"How was last night?" The boy asked.

Luckily, Gigi was facing the sink so Thomas couldn't see the terrified expression on her face.

"Last night?" She repeated, hoping that her son didn't hear her with Hakim.

"Yeah. I slept before the end of the movie...How was it?"


Gigi laughed and joined her son at the counter. She ruffled his hair playfully.

"You missed out. The ending was great. The hero was this close to dying, I was on edge the whole time. But he survived."

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