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Sasha stood in front of Montessoro private school, with a cigarette between her red lips

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Sasha stood in front of Montessoro private school, with a cigarette between her red lips. It was a little after five in the afternoon. Soon enough, kids would be flowing out of the big gates, ready to be picked up by their parents.

Sasha did not have kids and didn't want any. Yet, it was one of her responsibilities to pick up her boss's child everyday during the week. It wasn't always like that, though. There was a time when her job was limited to the office as Mrs Montagne's personal assistant but everything changed when she lost her husband a year ago...

With a sigh, Sasha crushed the butt of her cigarette against the school's wall when she heard the bell ring. She plunged her hands inside the pockets of her coat. It was so cold, she could see her breath everytime she exhaled.

She heard the kids before she saw them getting out of the school's different buildings. Guardians opened the gates to let them out. Sasha waited for ten minutes or so before she saw little thomas. He was walking very slowly, head hung low and his bangs covering half of his face.

He looked miserable.

Words couldn't describe the amount of pity Sasha felt for him. She had to see her boss for only eight hours daily but it was enough to know how unbearable she was. Thomas had to live with her though, and it was clearly taking a toll on his mental health.

The boy didn't see Sasha right away as he stepped out of the school. The young woman came behind him with a wide smile and smacked his shoulder. She was hoping to surprise him but didn't get any reaction out of the boy. He simply turned around and looked at her with a stoic face.

"Hey!" She greeted.

Thomas blinked. His deep blue eyes were colder than the winter air.

"Hi, Sasha." He said quietly.

"How was your day?!"

"It was okay."

Sasha kept an awkward smile on her face as silence engulfed them. It was really difficult to talk to Thomas. He was too quiet and calm for a kid his age. Sasha also felt like there was a wall between him and everyone else. She picked him up from school enough times to know he had no friends and that other kids were actually avoiding him. Sasha herself didn't like spending time with Thomas because of the sadness he carried with him. The smile on her face slowly faded.

"Ok...Come on, let's take you home."

They walked together toward the subway station. Sasha didn't own a car because she was scared of driving. Plus, there was too much traffic in Paris, anyway.

"You're not cold?" She asked, noticing that Thomas didn't have a scarf around his neck.

The boy just shrugged. Sasha opened her mouth to start another conversation but was stopped midway when the boy plugged his earphones in and started walking two steps ahead of her.

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