Chapter 39: Are we finally all right now??

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Have fun

Emma fell to the ground, it was quiet in the hall.
Before the court's police could react, Hondo and Street had already jumped over the small wall in the courtroom and the guy was lying on the floor.
"You lousy little pig," said Hondo and immediately handcuffed him again.Deacon
immediately ran to Emma. This had been half crushed under Severide. The firefighter had only seen the pistol, immediately his reflex was there. He quickly threw himself aside and threw Emma to the ground with him. This was the only way he could prevent her from being shot.
Emma looked frightened at Kelly, who now got up again and pulled her up with him.
"Are you okay?" he asked before Deacon pulled his arms on him.
After a moment, she arrived back in reality. She clung tightly to her boyfriend and then looked at Kelly again.
"Kelly, you just saved my life, thank you" she briefly let go of Deacon to hug her ex.
She whispered "again and again" before he broke away from her again.
"are they in order" the judge now wanted to know. The young woman nodded only briefly.
" well, I think we have everything. What we have now seen in the last few minutes and everything we have heard should be enough for us to be able to hand over a penalty. We withdraw. The verdict will be delivered in 2 hours." The judge announced before he left the room with his colleagues. The guys were taken away by the police. Everyone else waited a moment until they also left the courtroom.

"Deacon me is bad..." that's all she could get out. He looked at her briefly, she was totally pale in the face and you could see that she was about to collapse. Jessica and Chris supported her and went to the toilet with her, where she vomited a few times. Exhausted, she picked herself up again.
"I think the whole thing is a bit much for you" Jessica lovingly stroked her back as Emma tried to freshen up at the pelvis.
Again a little prepared, they left together the toilets, where their friends were already waiting for them.
"what do you think if we go out to eat something, I think we can use it," Jay suggested while looking at the others.
"good idea, or" Deacon looked at

his girlfriend, who nodded, because she already felt a little hungry, and she also knew that she had to eat something. Together they left the courthouse and headed for the first restaurant in the area. They still had a good 1.5 hours to eat something. They all opted for pizza. Nobody talked about the trial, because everyone was aware that Emma couldn't think of anything else anyway. So Adam tried again on one of his funny stories and he seemed to succeed, because even Emma really laughed. During the meal, there was still a lot of laughter when Hailey had to disturb the cozy round.
"I think we have to start slowly," she informed the others when she looked at his watch. They quickly paid and went back to court. Deacon and Emma stopped in front of the door again.

"Honey, he will never do anything to you again, you hear. He will be put behind bars." He pulled her firmly back into his arms and kissed her tenderly before taking her by the hand and entering the courtroom with her. They sit down again and wait for the judge to enter the room again. It took a few moments for the door to open and the guys to be led back in handcuffs. Not a minute later, the judges came back in. Immediately the whole hall stood up.
" Let's get to the court pronouncement. In the name of the law, the following verdict was pronounced. Mr. Bauer is sentenced to 25 years in prison for sexual violence, rape and attempted murder. They can appeal against this judgment for 2 weeks. For the other two, it will be 10 years in prison," the judge announced, before he sat down again and gave further explanations.
Emma was just happy. She would finally find her peace. She immediately snuggled up to her boyfriend. Finally, she would be able to lead a normal life again.
After the judge had left the room, everyone fell around the arms of the two. They were just happy that the guys were behind bars.
When they left the building, they agreed to celebrate victory at Mollys tonight.

"I have a surprise for you," Deacon smiled when they arrived at the rental car.
Immediately her eyes glittered.
"come on, come on," he grinned. They quickly got in and he drove to a park where he knew from Kelly that she had always loved this park. .
He took a blanket and a basket out of the trunk before grabbing her hand. Cuddled up to each other, they ran until they found a suitable place.
"Deacon, how do you know that?" she asked in surprise when she saw the square.
"I had a good source," he grinned and kissed her lovingly.
On the blanket they cuddled up again. Deacon stroked his girlfriend. He was glad that the horror would now come to an end and that she would finally be happy. He was looking forward to a beautiful future with the children and her. He was looking forward to everything that was to come. The two spent almost the entire afternoon in the park. Only when it was already dark did they pack their things and drive to the hotel to get ready.

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