Chapter 14: Another step back

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Here comes the next update, enjoy reading on.


I was very creative today:)

Have fun


" I... the guy..." that's all she could get out. The tears just ran down. Deacon didn't really understand what had happened.

"I'll take you in my arms now," he said gently, then sat down with her on the stairs and took her very carefully in his arms. And to the surprise of both, she did not withdraw, but clung to him like an anchor. As if it were his lifeline.

" hey, all good. You are safe," he whispered softly and stroked her back. After about 10 minutes, she had calmed down enough that he could ask her what had happened.

"What happened?" he asked.

"I was on the beach. Then a guy lay down next to me. We had a nice conversation. I was so proud of myself. That I had managed to just talk to a strange man" meanwhile the tears came back.

"At the car he pressed me against it and wanted to..." then she broke off.

"I knocked him out and I'm gone," she breathed softly.

" Good. That was right and a way in the right direction. You fought back and didn't fall into rigidity again," he tried to encourage her, but could imagine that this must have been a very glaring moment for her.

"I'm scared," she then quietly admitted and then cried again.

" shhhht. I'm there," he tried to calm her down again, then noticed how she was freezing.

"Come on, we'll go in" he helped her up and brought her in to the couch. There she sat down and put a blanket over her.

"Dad, Dad," he heard one of the children crying.

"I'll be right back," he quickly said to Emma and ran upstairs. Samuel had had a nightmare. When Deacon came back downstairs, Emma had fallen asleep on the couch. He covered her properly and then went to sleep.

In the middle of the night, he suddenly heard screams from below. He immediately sprinted down.

" hey, Emma, wake up, it's Me Deacon. It's all good," it tried. But she was just beating wildly. He didn't know what to do. One wrong touch and she might totally freak out, but then she woke up on her own and was completely off track.

"Shhhh" he tried again. But it didn't help. Not even after half an hour. He knew that they both desperately needed sleep for the service.

"Emma, I'll take you up now," he explained his next steps.

Upstairs, he put her to bed and covered her, then he got back into bed. It was a queasy feeling to have another woman lying here. But it wasn't to sleep with her, it was just to help her cope with her worst fears and get back down.

Emma lay there and trembled all over her body. She was afraid. And then she thought of Wendy's words, she needed a strong shoulder and that she could take it if she felt strong enough for it.

She turned to Deacon.

"May I?" she breathed so quietly that he almost didn't understand. He thought for a moment and then nodded. He just wanted to help her and nothing else. At that moment, Emma also realized what the situation was like.

" oh no. I am sorry. Anni, the bed" she wanted to get up and leave. But he withdrew it.

" All good Emma. I promised you to be there for you and I will do that, too," then he pulled her into his arms. At first, her whole body trembled and she was very restless. But after a short time it was better and the two fell asleep.

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