Chapter 33: The earthquake

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So finally I'm back. Unfortunately, I had a death in the circle of joy and I still don't quite like writing.
The chapter is therefore not so good, but I think in the next chapters it will be better again.


Emma knew he needed her now. He had put his arms around her and she realized and knew that he would need it now. They just lingered at the window for a while until he caught himself again and broke away.
She took his hand and they both sat down on his sofa.
"You will not lose your children. I promise you that. I will not allow that to happen. We will not allow this to happen. And we're going to think about something together now and I already have an idea.
He looked at her with big eyes.
" How about talking to Hicks that you would get 2 days off from now on. We almost always do more than 8 hours, so that shouldn't be a problem. I'm sure he will understand and allow you to. Then you could temporarily get a nanny. I am still in contact with my old nanny, who was very young at the time and now only in her late 40s. I loved her back then. The children would get along with her. And relieve your mother-in-law. As far as shopping for things, I'm very happy to do that with your kids. I swear to you, I will not allow this woman to do such a thing" in Emma, the lioness just came out. She knew he was a great dad and did everything for his children.
He leaned over to her and kissed her just like that.
"thank you for being here. Would you just stay here please," he breathed softly. She noticed that he didn't want to be alone.
"If you want that," she said softly and looked at him. He nodded, pulled her to himself and closed his eyes.
He was afraid, very afraid, that he would not be able to cope with all this and that he would lose his children. And that would pull the rug out from under his feet. But the way Emma had just spoken, that had proven to him that he was not alone. She would fight with him and that meant a lot to him. The feelings for this woman were getting bigger every day at the moment.
"Do we want to go to sleep?" he asked. She nodded only briefly. Arrived upstairs in the room, both quickly got ready. In bed, he immediately crawled behind her and snuggled up to him.
"Thank you for being here," he said very quietly.
" very gladly, we get through this. I am here. Always," she said, before the two fell asleep. He rolled a lot and didn't sleep very well. His thoughts just didn't let him go.

The weeks went by. Deacon had spoken with Hicks and the team. Everyone had immediately agreed that he would only work 5 days, had 2 weekends off. He had met with the nanny and she was now coming for 4 days and the children were only with his mother-in-law for one more day. Emma and Chris did a lot with Lila and the guys were often there and did something with the guys. They were grateful for that. But his worries did not diminish. Because of the nanny and the hours he was less there, he also needed more money. He had to be a little careful to keep an eye on everything. Emma noticed that he had been struggling a lot with himself since that evening. He was much more tense since that one evening. He was calmer, survived 3 times whether he wanted to do something or not. She had often asked him about it, but he always said it was all good.

The two saw each other regularly and it became more and more familiar. But Emma still had the feeling that something was depressing him, but he wanted to make up with himself.
Today the girls would go with the children Schoppen, because in a good week the school would start again.
"Hey, well you're ready to go," Jessica grinned as he entered the HQ with the kids. He would work some overtime because one of Rocker's team had dropped out.
"Yes Aunt Jessica"
" Well then let's go with us". Emma looked at him.
'I'll stay with the kids until I'm back,' she smiled at him. Then Jessica, Chris and Emma made their way to town.

They had a lot of fun together. First, they had procured the school supplies. When all this was in Emma's car, they had decided to go out for an ice cream first. They had sat down together on a terrace and ate their ice cream. With combined forces, the children had then also dressed up and so they were ready for the start of school. But since they didn't feel like going home yet, they decided to stroll a little longer. Lila had wished for a new scooter, as her old one was much too small for her. Emma had noticed that she had already asked Deacon, but he said it would not work this month. That's why she decided to buy her it.
They were in the shop looking around when it suddenly crashed loudly.
"What was that?" Matt asked.
"I don't know," Emma said, looking at the others. Then the ground suddenly shook.
"Shit, an earthquake," Jessica shouted. "Go, all down" Immediately the 3 girls threw themselves over the children, before he really started and the first furniture fell over.

Deacon was still at HQ when the earthquake occurred. He immediately picked up his phone and tried to reach Emma, but the networks had collapsed. While seeking protection, he could only hope that his children and Emma were well. Again and again he tried, but it didn't work.
" All available teams out. There are horrible pictures outside. We need every help." Hicks came out of his hiding place after a few minutes and pointed to the big screen. The HQ had weathered the earthquake pretty well. Some furniture that had fallen over, but that's it. When he saw the pictures on the display, he felt sick. He just wanted to go to his children. But now he also had to do his job. Fully dressed, he ran to the car when the guys of his team suddenly stood there.

"I think our help is needed," Hondo said. He came closer.
"What you reach the girls" he wanted to know from Deacon. He just shook his head.
"okay, we find them. I'm sure they're fine," Hondo tried to calm both of them down before changing quickly. With 2 large vehicles they set off. The city resembled a battlefield. They didn't get very far before the first people needed their help.

"Emma, do you hear me?" she heard Chris's voice. She coughed at first.
" Yes, all good. Children are you okay?" she shouted.
"yes" everyone shouted.
"But Jessica's leg," Matt shouted. Immediately Emma and Chris ran to her. Her leg was trapped.
"Okay, we'll get there" Emma looked at Chris. She nodded. With combined forces, they lifted the shelf. The children helped Jessica get up.
"HELP" they heard someone screaming.

Immediately everyone ran there. A saleswoman was completely trapped under a shelf.
"We're there, stay calm," Chris said. Emma and she looked around. You wouldn't be able to do it alone.
"We need help," she said.
"I'll get some," Lila said, and was gone before Emma could say anything. She quickly knelt down to control the vital function. She talked to the woman to keep her conscious. It took a few minutes for Lila to come in with a firefighter.
"Emma?" it came from the man.
"Severide" she looked at him in surprise.
" I'll explain it to you later. Now we have to get the woman out of here." Together with another firefighter, they got the saleswoman out from under the shelf and she was able to go to the hospital. Emma took Lila in her arms.
"You were great," she said proudly. Together they went outside, where at that moment the Betty also drove up. Deacon got out and saw his children immediately. He immediately rushed at her and hugged her.

"I'm so glad you're doing well" he closed his eyes briefly. Hondo embraced Jessica and looked at her foot, and quickly bandaged it so she could continue to help. Chris was also on the road again to help others. After breaking away from his children, he approached Emma and pulled her into an intimate embrace. They just didn't need words. He was just glad she was doing well.
"Dad, can we wait in the Betty?" Matt asked. The two broke away.
"yes, please" he knew the kids would do that.
"We still have to help people a little bit quickly," they both said. Emma gave the kids her cell phone. Here, if possible, play a little. Then the two of them got to work, even if it was a different job today. Today Emma was glad that Sylvie Brett had convinced her to attend such a first aid course, which went into more detail. Today she could use all that.
2 hours later, Hicks had decided that Deacon should go home with the children. He had given him his company car. With a thank you, he did so immediately, while Emma continued to stay and help. Shortly before midnight, she took a short break and sat down briefly. She closed her eyes and breathed briefly.

"Everything okay" Severide got her out of her thoughts and sat down next to her.

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