Part 4

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the shower was so nice, it seems his water pressure is slightly better than mine, and his soap was so buttery and so indescribably him, sweet and fruity with a hint of the forest, when I finished and put on his robe I almost laughed out loud, it was tight and slightly restricting on my shoulders but I could cope with that, what was truly hilarious was that the damn thing only reached to my mid-upper thigh and I felt like if I breathed deep enough my balls would hang out the bottom, I walk back into his room slowly and somewhat carefully towel drying my hair with the fluffy towel I found on the heated warmer in near the door, I assume his mom put it there but his room is virtually spotless too and I don't know a single teenage boy gay or not that would let his mum clean his room but then again I don't think I know any who keeps his room this clean either.

He's got his back to me, sitting at his desk studying, so I sit on his bed, the gown barely covering me and I see his eye flick briefly to the small mirror on his desk. I hesitate on if I should throw the towel over my lap but decided to just throw it on the floor at my feet. 

I feel my cock throb and now I need to know if he can see this, I lean down slightly and sure enough, that mirror is pointing right at my crown jewels. he fidgets in his chair a little and I swallow trying to will my cock not to rise to the occasion just because it appears to have an admirer.

"Everything okay over there?" I feel compelled to ask and when he jumps to turn the mirror away I know for sure he was looking at my cock, as though willed into existence it jumps to order and I'm already sitting at a semi. I don't know why this is exciting me so much, I mean I'm exclusively into women, but something about Aspens' innocence has really got my cock responding.

"sorry uh, got distracted by my book" he croaks out the lie as though it's painful for him, I get the sudden thought to show him what was painful, my throbbing semi is what but I decided to go along with it as though in blissful ignorance.

"no problem, I will go soon if you don't want me hanging around," I say with a knot forming in my stomach for a reason I don't understand,

"no, sorry I will put the book away," he says closing the book but hesitating to look at me. 

when my cock tries to twitch out the small amount of fabric covering it I think I understand why, As he finally brings his eyes up to meet mine, I too slowly cross my legs, letting him catch the briefest glimpse of my hardening cock.

"I think I'm going to go down and check on your clothes," he says stiffly standing and rushing from the room, I can't contain my smirk at that.

While he's out of the room I reach down and grab my now rock-hard cock, wondering what's come over me, can I even conceal this thing? Do I even want to? should I just be sitting here holding it when he walks in? Should I put on a show and be jerking it? where the hell are all these thoughts coming from? And why are they making me harder than I've been in a long time? I hear him coming back and try to push it back into the dressing gown, it bounces back out with a single twitch and I have to rethink by trapping the thing between my legs and placing the gown over the top, I feel like a wrong-timed laugh would foil my whole concealment.

"your clothes are in the dryer but it might take about an hour, wanna watch a bit of Riverdale while we wait?" he says walking back in the room and doing his best to maintain eye contact, I do notice a tightness in the front of his jeans though and I smile. 

"yeah sure, I'm only on season two though," I say and he smiles, 

"that's fine we can restart from season one" he gets a remote and sits on the bed slightly higher up, I stay still for fear of it jumping out to surprise him. 

About 10 minutes in I need to get comfier, so I scoot back so I can lean against the wall, completely forgetting about the situation. It springs out, fully erect and I can feel his eyes on it as I hear him gulp at the side of me.

 I'm not sure if I should jump to cover it and make it a thing or leave it and act like it's not bothering me, what doesn't help is a steamy sex scene between Archie and his teacher on the screen at the moment.

He's not saying a word, and I decide to leave it till he either does or till it goes down of its own accord. I feel the tip starting to push out of the hood slightly as it continues to strain and without even looking I know his eyes haven't left it, as his breathing has become quite rapid. 

We're sat for about 5 minutes till Aspen finally breaks the silence, his voice a few octaves higher than usual,

"I need a drink, do you want a drink? think I'm gonna go get a coke" Aspen says climbing off the bed,

"yeah, coke is good," I say but he's practically running down the hall, I chuckle and absentmindedly stroke my cock a few times before I realise what I'm doing.I quickly jump up and go to his wardrobe, then dig through his way too organised drawers finding a pair of underwear and pulling them on. The briefs are tighter than I'm used to, but they certainly contain my cock well, I get back on the bed and wait.

Aspen returns after a long enough time that I have to question what he was doing but he passes me a coke, I wonder if I should ignore it but I decided to address it.

"Sorry about that, I didn't know my Lil guy escaped so I borrowed a pair of your undies, they are a little tight ut will do, I hope you don t mind"

Aspen gives a nervous chuckle and a cute blush,

"Not so little, but no, that's fine," he says blushing more, for some reason I feel my cheeks heat too, I mean I have never been self-conscious about my size but I also never had another guy comment on it either.

We finish watching the show and he leaves the room again to check on my clothes. I look down as I'm still hard as iron and again wonder what's gotten into me. I don't even stay this hard for this long whilst having sex, let alone only being looked at, perhaps it's how taboo this situation is, All I know is, I hope mum will be home soon because I NEED to relieve this tension and soon!

Aspen returns a few moments later carrying my clothes with a smile on his face,

"your clothes are done if you want to drop the pants and robe in my laundry basket," he says but I decide why bother being shy now? I quickly take them from him and drop the robe to the floor, first pulling on my jeans and then my t-shirt.I hear him gasp as I'm stood almost completely naked in front of him and my cock strains against the pants again, I shove my boxers in my pocket with a smirk in his direction.

"and here I thought only women left with their panties in their pocket" I joke and watch him visibly swallow hard. 

"Oh hey your mom's back, by the way, my mom just got home, but apparently she wonders if you would be okay riding with me to school so she doesn't have to waste fuel."

"oh awesome, yeah I will see you tomorrow, hey have you seen my phone anywhere? I don't remember dropping It in my bag"

"Uhhh did you leave it in the bathroom or car?"

"oh it's right here," I say looking at the counter in the bathroom.

"right I will, see you tomorrow, thanks for today Aspen"

Only Gay For You. (Book one of the Midnight In Rome series)Where stories live. Discover now