17 | A Forever Kiss - Part One

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Alexander Reed's parties were something I despised, along with cheaters, heartbreakers, and liars. Alex himself covered all of that. It was a hall pass for having a night full of super-charged teenagers plunging into the world of underage drinking, not the cheap kind but from his father's exquisite collection of liquors.

At seven o'clock, I finally decided to chuck every second thought, went to my father's study to take a quick routine check, and found him comfortably seated with a file. He always worked, even when he had returned from the hospital just a few days ago. I smiled as he looked up from his file and gave me a 'do you want to ask something' gaze. I shook my head and closed the door after me.

I spent the next one hour getting ready for the big day. It was Alexander Reed's birthday party.

It was a sore topic between Aelius and me. He never asked me not to go. And I had all plans to be at the party.

Why wouldn't he stop me?

Keeping Aelius out of my mind for a few minutes, I took a long hot shower, followed by a sharp razor, blow-dried hair, and smooth body lotion. Although, once I rummaged through my collection of average-looking dresses, I realized the need to go shopping. It was too late for that. So, I picked up a black number, which I had been purposely ignoring.

The dress was too sensual for my liking, but beggars can't be choosers. I somehow managed to pull it up, with its hem ending mid-thigh, the neck falling wide to flash the soft bumps of my chest, and the silk fabric molding around my hips and waist as a second skin. Too damn much. But I couldn't deny the fact that it looked good on me. It looked perfect.

I didn't spend much time settling for light makeup, just a dash of blush, a stroke of mascara over my smoky eyes, and wine-red lipstick that smelled like fresh forest and white mist. If I was to kiss with those sinful lips tonight, that person might not be stopping until the whole thing got devoured. One-time consumption won't be harmful. They were organic in origin anyway.

"You look hot, Daisy Eve." I looked in the full view mirror and blew out a kiss at my reflection. Now and then, I loved showing affection to myself. It made me feel empowered.

All that empowerment died out when I stepped into my dusty heels, not used for days, so obviously, they were dusty, and I was rusty while walking in them. Everything can't be perfect, can it?

I looked at the gift box with a pretty satin bow in the middle of my bed and cursed internally. I could not carry it with those damn heels on, but it was Alexander's birthday present and going with me. So were the heels. I paced my room a few times to get used to the elevation and gathered my purse and the gift box before leaving the house. For once, I had permission to go out after seven, with the set deadline to return before midnight.

However, my heels-clad legs stuttered to a stop as I stepped out of my house. Because on the curb, I saw a black car, and a very devilishly handsome-looking Aelius, leaning against it. I couldn't read his expression as he had his arm crossed against his chest and his head glaring at his black shoes.

I took my sweet time admiring him from a safe distance, bathed under the moonlight. His piercings were in place, gleaming and making me realize I had a thing for them. His messy hair styled to perfection with the trim around the sides, and the silver chain with his parent's picture sat endearingly at the base of his throat. His long legs clad in distressed jeans, paired with a black shirt hugging his broad shoulder and chest down to his torso and giving me a glimpse of his unblemished skin through those top two buttons open.

He looked so handsome that I almost dropped the gift box and threw myself at him, wrapping my arms around his breathtaking frame wiping off that lost look on his face. But taking a shuddery breath, I let my heartbeat fall back to its normal pacing - failing at it miserably as he raised his head and his eyes softened into molten glass.

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