07 | I'm Not Going To Kiss You

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We were an hour into our Pre Calculus lesson, and it was clear that I was hopeless in Mathematics. It was finally out in the open for him that I wasn't fit to be his Pre-calc tutor. I knew my chances of getting that kissing lesson from him were thinning every time I failed to solve an equation.

Surprisingly, Aelius was solving those integrals like a Pro. At some point during our hour-long study session, he had taken up my role.

Kissing tutor or not, he'd become my mathematics tutor, for sure.

I watched him intently, rolling my shoulders to ease out the exhaustion and slight muscle ache that had started creeping in due to how much effort I had to put into each problem. While Aelius took just a few minutes to solve them, I had to practically fry my brain over each one for twice his time.

With her snout tucked under her paws, Ginger was snoring like I wished to do at that moment. The pretty boy beside me was working through an integral, his brows stuck together in a concentrated frown. I moved my eyes towards his bed. Between all the pillows and the plush headboard, it looked like a tempting invitation, the most comfortable spot to relax my aching bones and my draining brain.

"Damn, I need a break," I pushed the notebook from my lap, stretched my arms above my head, glared at him when he didn't look up, and released a frustrated huff. I poked his knee once with my index finger and did it again. "I'm hungry, pretty boy."

His lips twitched at the corners, and he finally set his notebook aside to look at me. His eyes moved from my finger nudging his kneecap to my pouty face. Without saying anything, he pushed the plate of half-eaten cookies towards me and then started doing the math again.

"I don't like sweets when I'm hungry," I said flatly, at last, collapsing onto the rug in defeat.

He placed his hand before my head could hit the tiled floor, snatched a pillow from the bed, and tucked it underneath my head. While he did all that, I blinked at him in a daze. It was something no one had done before. I mean, no guy had done that before.

"Pizza then?" He typed something in his phone and then chucked it on the nightstand, going back to his damn mathematics. "It will be here in another fifteen minutes. Enough time for you to practice this equation and drink some juice."

He placed the glass beside my head and nudged my knee with his. "Come on. It's the last one in this module."

I sat up to pin him with a look of disbelief. Was he for real? I wasn't there to get through the math equation. I wanted him to get me through the kiss equation. But it seemed, all that he was willing to teach me was math. "Are you going to help me or not?"

"That's what I'm trying to do, Isy," he handed me his notebook. "This is important for the upcoming test, so you better practice."

I groaned. "You know, I'm not talking about this." He hadn't mentioned anything about our deal since we started studying, not even the random rules of kissing he had been giving me.

He shrugged, handing me the glass of orange juice again and giving me one of his most innocent looks. "I don't know what you're talking about, little dove."

It was clear from the very beginning of our deal that Aelius wasn't totally in favor of it. And to be honest, I wasn't that thrilled about it at first either. But I was sure it would work out if I got the right tutor to get through it. Because first of all, I didn't want to give Alex the satisfaction that he was leaving me for someone better, and second of all, kissing Aelius would exact my revenge on Alex. He would die of jealousy if I kissed another guy without messing it up. After all, what bad could come out of that agreement? It was just a kiss, no big deal.

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