Pulse of time

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Throughout earth's time there has been a timer that has been counting down to when earth is no longer here

You must understand that I'm not 1 of those people you see on the street holding up a sign that 'the end of days are coming

You need to be ready'

Well this is how my earth crude up everything & was [00:01] seconds away from the world ending

The government decided to put the unlikely of group together & got through time

This group consisted of 6 people

2 marines, 2 historians,1 doctor & engineer when this go to shit

We were all given a watch to time jump at any time & place

What we all didn't expect was the base we had to be to be at was in the middle of the ocean with lots of weapon to kill all who didn't have accesses which was us

We only had 30 minutes to get into the base before the world 'went'

After our 2 marines killed a few guards to get in we were locked in & then we felt it

'Our world was gone'

As we finally got the feel of the place we started to get to work

It took everything in our power not to go crazy since we were living off of recycled everything for who knows how long

It took 1 whole year to finally find out what the hell happen in the 1st place & change the out come

Turns out we have to go back to when a certain political party had was all being killed off

'That was part 1' of getting at the rut of the everything

What really was off to me is how smooth the operation came out

As we arrived back at the base in our present time

I became very aware of more impressing details of the team

On our next mission we somehow got into a paradox made

[ by what we found out was in our team]

At some point we all started to split up into our own routine of finding out how to save the earth

Which ending make the timeline go to shit

It was 5 months before we found the moll in the group

It was 1 of the marines

When we took away their watch the timeline somehow went back to normal, but this time our world didn't end how we remember

The earth was granted a chance at new life with the explosion giving it hidden miracles to form everywhere

It didn't take long for anyone who was safe in their bunkers to come out & see this new world.

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