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My name is Tanner & I got pregnant at 16 by my best friend's boyfriend

He drugged me

After it happen I told Finn what I could remember

When Finn understood everything I said she broke up with him

I soon learned a week later I was pregnant with his kid, but I didn't want to abort

When I got the chance to learn the gender I came to know I was having twins

I was happy to know my parents didn't disown me & even wanted to help

Finn even wanted to co-parent with me which I found so nice to hear

At 17 the twins were born

Harley & Miller thankfully didn't look anything like Finn's ex

But weirdly enough looked like her

1 year past & I was still going to school while working customer service on my computer so I could stay home for when my parents wanted a night to themselves

Finn even partly lived with me through this time which was so considerate of her

When I had enough money of my own I bought an apartment with Finn that had 3 rooms

At the time Finn grew accustomed to being in the same room as me I just got the extra room if the twins wanted their own space someday

I became a stay at home mom still working customer survive from my computer so I could take care of the twin until they get into school

By the time they were 3 they wanted their own space which I gave knew that would happen at some point

I even learned they were both on the spectrum which I didn't care at all

Everyone learns at their own pace & their own time

When the twins spoke better their words became more clear like I was Mama & Finn was Mommy

Finn loved it when the twins called her that

Speaking of Finn, she was way too smart for college that after she finished all she wanted to do was party & sometimes kiss me

I should mention when she is drunk she get horny which I don't mind at all cause I've been attracted to her for a very long time

1 day the while partying a man kept on hitting on me

Finn saw this & helped me out by kissing me in front of him

He got the hint & left, but I didn't want to stop kissing her

"Finn please I need more" I say squeezing her waist

"Yeah are you sure about that cause I ca-" I didn't allow her to finish that sentence

I kissed her again & thing got heated

Let me point out we're not drunk at all

We went back to the apparent & thing got more intense that I didn't say no to any of it

After a hot sexy night I asked her to be my everything

[ well I should point on we went full on lesbian when I say we got married 3 hours later

No really we did]

By the time the twins hit 5 years old

We learned their smart

Like Einstein smart

They made their own computer & an energy saving light bulb

By 7 they went to college & by 10 they finished

The twins shocked my parents almost to the death bed

Finn was a proud ass mama & I well

I had a few heart attacks but damn I couldn't be more proud

I saved enough money for all of us to go to Europe as 1 happy family

I can't wait to see what is next

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