Moving on

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               10 years Later

The EF Publishing Empire           Building

It was rather a peaceful day at office.With everyone chatting around. And relaxing after the hectic weekend.

" Are you sure the news is true?"

One girl asks a man. Who nods. Sipping from his coffee.

" I am not sure. It can be a rumour. But still if by any chance it's true?"

" Damn man! It will be like the biggest achievement of our company! You know no one even knows how Asra even looks like?"

" She has never been in the limelight right?"

" She refuses to reveal her identity. A mystery she is."

" But wait first tell what about that new investor?"

" Is our boss going to change ?"

The others sigh. Shrugging their shoulders.

" I hope so. This man is seriously a devil in skin! He-"

The boys words are interrupted when a chaos fills the office.

" Guys! Boss is here!"

And the boy rolls his eyes.

" Name the devil and he is here"


veryone scurry around. Looks of anxiousness evident on their faces.

" Bo-ss?"

" Sh*t ! Hurry! Give me the project outline!"

" Have you cross checked? "

" Are the documents edited?"

" Is the presentation ready?"

Everything turned into chaos within seconds . Women were putting on their heels while men adjusted their ties. The scene in the building, complete contrast to what it was a mere minute ago.

" Boss is quite angry today! "

" Warning ! Stay clear of his way!"

" Sh*t! Who spilt the water here! Hurry up!"

A person screams calling on the sweeper. Cleaning the beads of sweat on his forehead. Turning around to look at the mess.

They are gone today. The boss will show no mercy.

And that's when the storm enters. A sleek car stops outside the entrance of the 90 storey building.

And the chauffeur rushes to open the door.

Two shining pair of speckless shoes step down. And the person gets up. Putting on his shades.

As soon as the man stands to his full height. Everyone else bows to him.

And he nods. Satisfied.

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