Challenging monsters

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         Few days later

              Ezra's pov

I am tired.

Tired of trying to understand this man. It's been so many months but with each day I get more confused as to who is really is.

When I think everything is good and we are progressing. He suddenly turns cold like he doesn't even know me.

Like he hasn't touched me and made me feel all that.

Like he hasn't seen how his every stare.

His every word bothers me like no one else's.

I haven't even seen him past these days.

He comes back late from hell knows where and leaves early.

He doesn't talks to me. Let alone look at me.

And I seriously don't know why?

He locks himself in his room. Not even coming out for dinner.

I don't know what's on with his strange behaviour.

I try to remember if I offended him in any way.

But I can't afford to think of anything.

I sulk sitting in this mansion. Having nothing to do all day. He made me leave the school. He even took my phone. He doesn't allow me to visit anyone. Not even home.

God! I will go crazy sitting here all day.

So finally I have decided now. I will face him today.

Waking up way early than I have ever woken up. At 6 yes, don't judge me.

I hold back a yawn.

Shaking my leg anxiously , waiting outside his room for him to come out.

Bells sits at my feet. Confused as to why we weren't cuddling in our cozy blankets on my bed at this hour.
Freezing out here doing nothing.

And I just pat her. Running my fingers through her soft fur.

The action immediately calming me.

And I smile seeing her fall down near my feet . Exposing her belly , asking me to rub her.

My eyes leave her to look up at his door when I see it open. And I immediately get up.

" Aaron!"

He was dressed in casuals, unlike the office clothes that I expected.

His grey eyes look up at me in surprise. To only cover it up next second. Clenching his fist. He puts on that emotionless face to walk beside me like I don't even exist.

What the fuc*!

Bolting I rush behind him to try and cross him. Opening my arms to stop in front of him.

" Wait! You can't leave !"

He sighs staring at his watch to look at me blocking the threshold. His cold eyes finally meeting my anxious ones to speak in a detached voice.

" What's it stupid girl? "

I stare into his eyes and I suddenly go blank. Sh*t! Why was I here? What did I wanted to ask?

Think Ezra! Think! Fuc*! Why can't I remember.

Sighing he rolls his eyes, pushes me aside to continue to walk. When I rush behind him.

"Stop wasting my time"

" No! I....I ...."

I couldn't match his long strides. Hell why was he walking so fast?

Her Selfless Love( Complete)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin