The bloodshed

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A hooded  figure stands outside  in the freezing cold. His back leaning on his black car. Legs crossed and a cigarette in between his fingers.

Taking a long whiff, he exhales it to look up at the old building.

Not doing anything, just staring like the past 20 minutes. When he sees the lights of the entire building go off. And his phone pinged in his pocket. Indicating a text.

Taking out the the cell. His eyes take in the words on the screen and he just blinks. Putting it back in his pocket.

" Confirmed"

It says and he straightens up.

Crushing the cigarette under his foot. Placing hands back in the pockets of his jacket. And walking inside the old building like he owned it.
The door was locked as expected. But with one blow of his shoulder. The lock breaks under the pressure.

Looking around casually at the shabby place. He switches on the torch. Ransacking the place.

To only find a small room in a corner. Where what he saw made his blood to boil more. There were pictures. Hundreds of pictures.

Hanging on the walls. Pinned.

Of her.

Picking up one of her pictures. He just stare at that smiling face which has been his heaven these past few months. The brown eyes, that seemed alive even through the piece of paper. And he couldn't help trail his fingers down her face.

A heaviness settling in his chest.

Once contend. He places it in his pocket. To only go back to the lobby and settle himself on the sofa. Placing one leg on top of another.

Waiting for his arrival.

A figure walks in cursing.

" Damn what's with this place. Why are the lights off! "

" And damn this door! Didn't I lock-"

He suddenly goes silent. As if realising that something was not right. When he hears a voice that made his throat to run dry. And eyes to widen.

" You did"

He recognised that voice. Hell how couldn't he. And that's when his worst fears became true.

And his foot stagger back.

" Wh-o who is h-ere?"

He asks. Afraid. Ready to bolt out. To only feel a strong grip on his shirt collar from behind. And before he knows, he is pulled back with a strong force.

Making him fall back, skidding the floor. To hit a table and have glass shards shower over him.

" Aghhh fuc*! Who are you ...wh-at do you want!"

He says. Holding his bleeding forehead. Trying to look up at the intruder.

Who steps closer to him.

And through the little light coming from the outside. He recognised the person easily. That big frame and cold deadly voice unmistakable.

" I am here to complete what I left unfinished earlier."

His words made a shiver to run down Johnathan's spine. And he struggles to get up. Despite his bleeding state.

" Aaro-on?"

He speaks. Stuttering. Trying to take the opportunity and run past, when a grip on his neck made him choke. His words dying as he is pushed back on a wall. His head banging behind on the cement. Clouding his vision.

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