The beginning

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               15 years Ago

I was leaning against a tree bark. Staring at the brown eyed girl playing with my brother's.

The pink dress highlighting the pink hue on her cheeks. Making her look like the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.

"Neil please! That's mine!"

She says trying to get back the princess crown to only have Neil to chuckle.

"Oh come on princess! I know you are a princess, but can't we atleast borrow your crown?"

Ben joins Neil. Urging her.

"Yes cupcake. We really adore your crown. Won't you share it with us?"

They both say , while winking at each other. To only have Ezra to lower her eyes, her hands dropping.

"Fine. can keep it."

I felt something hit my chest. When she said that. Anyone can guess that they were deliberately troubling her.

Except for her.

So cute.

I stop myself from saying that word but I couldn't. She was really something.

Like an angel.

So damn pure.

Folding her hands in front of her and looking down. She shrugs her shoulders. Speaking in a whisper.

"Also...I am not a real princess anyways..."

Neil and Ben feel bad for their childish play. To only have Neil to place the crown back on her head.

"A princess is not the one who owns a kingdom Ezra....a princess is the one who rules everyone's heart"

She looks up at him with those big brown eyes to have him nod. While Ben places his hand on her head, speaking next.

"And you rule all of our hearts."
"You are our princess"


She asks. To have both of them nod. And she cries in happiness.

Making a small smile to come on my lips.

However their happy moment is interrupted by a boy, who I saw in her class.

The way he looks at Ezra, not settling well with me.

He didn't had good intentions for her, I can tell.

"Princess huh? Who are you two fooling?"

"She is just a maid's daughter! A low class girl!"

Ben and Neil immediately get up in her defence. To have Ben approach the boy.

"John! Mind your tongue! I dare you to say it again!'

But the boy, he smirks looking at Ezra. An evil glint in his eyes as he continues.

"Oh come on Ben. Why don't you admit that she is just a charity case who you feel pity for?"

"I am surprised you celebrate her birthday with so much grandeur when the poor girl wasn't even born today."


Neil tries to stop him. But it was too late. The boy already blurted out the truth.

"She was picked up from a garbage bin, wasn't she? Isn't today the same day?"

"Some really great birth date to have."

Ezra's eyes remain fixed on the boys evil ones as he smirks in victory. He has done it. A tear leaves Ezra's eyes as the crown drops from her hand.

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