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The group of five parked their boat on the sandy side's of the mountain, and began their walk up the hill's and mountains. It didn't take long before the Lonely Mountain was seen in the distance, the Dwarves quickly quickening their pace.

When they reached Erebor, and stood upon it's bridge. It only took one look at each other, before they took off sprinting through the busted out gates, Veryan calmly following the eager men.

He made it inside just as the Dwarves scurried off deeper into the castle, the Heterochromia male keeping his calm pace as he marveled at the Dwarven architecture. It was quite impressive and marvelous how Dwarven craft is far more different than Elven or Human.

Veryan followed the four down huge flight's of stairs, being stopped by a shout. Veryan, as well as the Dwarven men stopped and looked at Bilbo, who came running to them, shouting for them to stop. 

He stopped short way's in front of them, looking frantic "You need to leave. We all need to leave"

Veryan raised his eyebrow's at the words, yet said nothing in response. "We only just got here" Bofur replied, looking perplexed himself.

Bilbo lightly shook his head "I've tried talking, but he won't listen"

"What do you mean, laddie?" Oin asked Bilbo, still not understanding the situation. "Thorin!-" Bilbo shouted frustrated.

When he saw Oin jump back in surprise he quited down "-Thorin. Thorin. He's been down there for days. He doesn't sleep. He barely eats. He's not been himself. Not at all"

"Not even with you presence?" Veryan asked, whispering. Bilbo scrunched up his eyebrows in confusion, but either way shook his head. "It's this place. Ahem. I think a sickness lies on it" 

Veryan and Bilbo didn't get a further discussion, as Fili took Kili by the arm, and dragged the other away. Bilbo frantically tried to stop the brother duo, but it was futile as the two didn't listen, leading the group further into the mountain.

Veryan did nothing to stop the two as well, seeing it as not his job to keep the young brother's from their home. But even he knew something was wrong when he finally laid his eye's upon the mountain's and mountain's of gold on the ground. His breathed hitched and his posture went ragged. He could feel it. Smaug's overbearing voice and eyes present in the huge hall. He was sure what Bilbo said about the sickness was correct.

He was stood frozen in his spot, as Thorin walked out from one of the pillar's, turning to look up at them. "Gold. Gold beyond measure. Beyond sorrow and grief. Behold the great treasure hoard of Thror" the Dwarven king threw a ruby Fili's way, who cought it with ease "Welcome my sister-sons, to the Kingdom of Erebor"

Bilbo looked on in concern at the king he has found himself loving, before turning to the Wizard, seeing him frozen in his spot. Rather than shaking him, he took the other by the hand and lead him to where the rest were, hoping the happy reunion would loosen the male up.

It was only when Veryan heard the happy cheer's of the Dwarves did his breathing return to normal and body loosen up. A couple of Dwarves came to hug him, like Bombur, Bifur and Balin, but the smile he gave each and everyone of them didn't reach his eyes.

He didn't feel safe in the Kingdom Thorin ran. Not like this. The feeling of fear finally returning to him. Not the fear of a phobia, or a fear of losing someone you care about. But a fear for his life. He has heard all about dragon-sickness after the attack on Dale, and how king Thror would of done anything to keep his jewels safe, that includes killing anyone who came in contact with it without him knowing or overseeing what was done with the jewel. 

When everyone were distracted Veryan grabbed onto Bilbo's forearm. The hobbit looked up at the Human, and his eyebrows emedietly creased when he saw the other's troubled face. Veryan kneeled down and leaned in close to Bilbo. "Please listen to me, Master Bilbo. This, is no ordinary sickness. Dragon-sickness has run in the Durin family before, and now it has infected Thorin. Keep distance from him and make sure to never have one of his gold piece's in your hands. No matter how much he might love you, or you love him, there is no way to stop Thorin from doing what he doesn't intend. Please, don't do anything to risk your life"

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