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Veryan finally stopped in his place as the beast flew past, not low enough to see him, but high enough to still wreck building's as he flew past. Upon a further look, the male saw Bard on top of the bell tower, firing simple arrows at the beats. 

Veryan's eyes glowed a bright purple as he flew twords Bard, landing on one of the side pieces as Bard fired yet another arrow, it just simply bouncing back.

"You know no normal human arrow can kill it, right?!" Veryan shouted over the loud flapping of Smaug, as well as the raging fire below.

"What else am i suppose to do!" Bard shouted back at him, firing yet another unsuccessful shot.

The bowman turned to grab another arrow, but it was the last he had. Still, he aimed, and took his shot, but just as previous ones it bounced off of the dragon, not even making the beats flinch.

Smaug flew past the bell tower, sending Bard to the ground as Veryan stayed firmly seated. The Heterochromia male glared at the beast, prepared to kill it himself, when a panicked yelp came from the ladder below. 

Veryan turned to look who it was, and was very surprised to see Bain, last have seen the young boy on the boat. 

"Bain! What are you doing? You were suppose to leave!" Bard asked panicked as he looked at his son. Veryan jumped down and kneeled next to Bain's head as the boy spoke "I came to help you" "No! Nothing can stop it now"

"This might" Bain answered, pulling out the last black arrow Bard has stored in his house.

Veryan laughed and patted Bain's head "Kid, your a genius!" The male quickly stood up and jumped up on one of the sides "I'll distract it long enough for you to set the arrow up. When your ready, just whistle, and the dragon will fly your way. Then it's your job to kill it"

Bard stood up, now arrow in hand "Will you be okay?"

Veryan snorted, turning to look at the father and son duo "Me? Okay? I've dealt with far worse than egoistical flying inferno's-" his eye's softened as he nodded "I will be fine. Just make sure to be quick, i don't want to become a fried decoration for this town"

Bard and Bain nodded and that was enough for Veryan as the male stretched his arm's to the side's falling backwards, before his magic carried him up.

The dragon stood ways before Veryan. As if hearing the male coming, his gaze turned to him, pure of hatred.

"We meet again, Wizard" Smaug growled out as his body fully turned to him.

Veryan shrugged his shoulder's "Yeah, yeah. Left quite the impression"

Smaug raised his head to the air, as if proud of himself "I am a thing to be feared, mortal. It didn't take long to incinerate the whole city. Dwarf by Dwarf. And I will-"

"Blah, blah, blah. My god do you ever stop talking? No wonder your the only dragon left. The other's probably killed themselves to get rid of the awful sound" Veryan cut of the beast, waving his hands to emphasize what he was speaking.

The dragon roared. Veryan saw as it's chest and stomach glowed, and with that he got a great view of the hole in the dragon's armor. He gasped as fire shot out of the reptiles mouth, Veryan barely managing to miss it.

"You fool! What power do you think you posses to speak to me like that!" Smaug roared, his eyes blazing with want. Want to kill the male in front of him.

Veryan raised his eyebrow in confusion, looking from side to side before back at the dragon "Umm, the right to speak?" another fire blast came.

He was about to retort back to the dragon, when a whistle came from behind him. Veryan coughed and smiled "I also have the right to run. So...see ya!" and with that he turned and bolted, feeling the beats's fire graze his feat. 

The Wizard and The PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now