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Bilbo watched the Dwarf cautiously as the other ate his dinner. He also took in the small noises coming from his library, yet the figure didn't seem to move any more than light shuffle of books.

Dwalin time from time made noises of approval for the food, but beside's that stayed silent, not breathing a word to Bilbo, well, before he asked for more food that is.

"Very good this. Any more?"

"What? Oh, yes, yes" Bilbo blurted out his words as he stood up, going up to his window sill, where a bread tray lie. 

He sneakily grabbed one for himself, tucked it away, and offered the rest up to Dwalin "Help yourself"

Dwalin gave a light nod and grabbed a piece of the bread, biting in and chewing, crumbs falling from his mouth.

Finally, Bilbo decided to speak out "It's just that, um, I wasn't expecting company" the man told the Dwarf truthfully.

His attention was quickly drawn to the door, where he, for the third time, heard a knock. 

"That'll be the door" Dwalin told him, gesturing for him to go and open it up. 


"Balin, at your service" the elder Dwarf announced, bowing just as Veryan and Dwalin did. He was obviously an elder Dwarf, yet, had the energy of a 30 year old man.

"Good evening" Bilbo simply answered, too stunned to speak.

"Yes. Yes, it is" Balin boomed about the weather, smiling up at the sky as he moved into the Hobbit hole "Though I think it might rain later. Am I late?"

Bilbo looked at him, confused yet again "Late for what?"

Balin ignored the younger one's question as he turned his head to see Dwalin, him messing around with some of Bilbo's things.

"Oh! Ha, ha! Evening brother" Balin spoke as he moved in closer to the other, smiling.

A smile appeared on Dwalin's face too "By my beard...you're shorter and wider than last time we met" 

"Wider, not shorter" Balin disagreed with him to an extent.

"Sharp enough for both of us" he commented, making the two burst out in smiles once again. The pair took each other by the shoulder's and bumped heads, breaking out into smiles once they did.

"Uh, excuse me? Sorry, I hate to interrupt. But the thing is, I'm not entirely sure you're in the right house" Bilbo jumped in, trying to, politely, tell the two Dwarfs their in the wrong house, but his words flew right above their heads as they moved to Bilbo's beer barrel, letting themselves pour some of the liquid.

Bilbo cursed under his breath as he moved after the two, taking a quick glance into the library to see if anything was broken, and when he saw the male still in the same spot, just reading a different book, he let himself breathe a sigh of relief, before once again walking after the two Dwarfs.

When he cought up to them, he spoke "It's not that I don't like visitors. I like visitors just as much as the next Hobbit. But I do like to know them before they come visiting"

His words were once again not heard as the two talked among's themselves, having made their way to Bilbo's walk in. 

"The thing is, I don't know neither one of you. Not in the slightest" The Hobbit tried to speak, wincing as some of his blue cheese was throw on the ground because, by the Dwarf standards, it was 'riddled by mold'. 

"I don't mean to be blunt, but I had to speak my mind. I'm sorry"

Finally the two Dwarves stopped in their way, turning to look at Bilbo. "Apology excepted" Balin answered with a smile, and alongside Dwalin once again began to rummage through the food in the walk in. 

Bilbo grunted in defeat, before another knock sent him to the door.


"Fili and Kili. At your service" The siblings announced, bowing. One, Fili, was a blonde, whilst his brother, Kili, was a brunet. Yet you couldn't mistake their closeness, they could do anything in sync, and without really thinking about it too.

"You must be Mr.Boggins" Kili told the Hobbit in front of him with much joy, but was not met with the same energy "Nope! You can't come in. You've come to the wrong house"

"What? Has it been canceled?" Kili asked in astonishment and confusion, pushing Bilbo's door back open. "No one told us" Fili added.

Bilbo squinted at them and shook his head "No, nothings been canceled" "That's a relief" Kili answered, his excitement once again present as he pushed Bilbo aside, walking into the hole, followed by his brother.

Bilbo huffed as Fili handed him his weapons and cloak "Careful with these. I just had them sharpened" 

"It's nice this place" Kili commented as he walked around the house, much like Veryan.

"Yeah" Bilbo answered him absentmindedly, trying to focus on not dropping the weapon's Fili just gave him. 

"Did you do it yourself?" Kili asked once again as he pushed onto a box with his foot.

"What? No, it's been in the family for years-That's my mother's glory box! Can you please not do that?"

Finally, Bilbo took in a breath as Fili and Kili were dragged off by Dwalin. He quickly dropped the weapons and ran to his library, about to ask the Human that came first what all of this was about, but he found no signs of him. All of his books were right where he left them, and the carpet looked as straight as he had left it. It was like the male wasn't even there, but he knew he still was.

There was no time to look however, as he heard yet another knock from the door.

"No. No. There's nobody home! Go away and bother somebody else. There's far too many Dwarves in my dining room as it is. If this is some clot-head's idea of a joke...I can only say it is in very poor taste" Bilbo rambled to mostly himself as he finally unlocked the door and swung it open, having about 8 Dwarves fall right onto his floor.

He looked at each and every one of them with pure shock as they spat out words to one another, one by one getting their balance back, standing up.

A grey figure leaned down to look from his position at the front door, making eye contact with Bilbo.

Bilbo looked at the Wizard, slight anger present in his eyes "Gandalf"

Part of the evening Bilbo spent going around his house, trying to get the Dwarves to put his food back and keep his furniture in place. All the while that was going on, Gandalf helped the Dwarves set up the dinner table, one of the Dwarves even offering him some tea in the process. Gandalf kindly refused,asking for a glass of wine instead before making his way through the dinning room, avoiding the ceiling, yet sadly missing the chandelier, his head colliding with it. He stopped the chandelier from swinging, and took it upon himself to count all of the Dwarves. 

"We appear to be one Dwarf short" he muttered to himself as he looked around at the moving figures. 

"He is late, is all. He traveled north to a meeting of our kin. He will come. Say, what about the help you offered, where are they?" Dwalin spoke, before asking Gandalf about the 'help' they were offered.

Gandalf smiled down at Dwalin "All in do time, friend"

Dwalin curtly nodded and took a swig from his wooden beer mug as Gandalf was offered the wine he requested earlier. He took it gratefully and finished it in one gulp, finding it quite good.


Bilbo watched in frozen shock as Gandalf and the 12 Dwarves ate his food, at his dinning table, in his house. He turned around and trudged to his walk in, only to witness it completely emptied. 

Bilbo's eye slightly twitched as he listened to them eating, drinking and burping.

This, Bilbo knew, will irritate the hell out of him.

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