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Tauriel ran through the woods as fast as her legs took her, following the river trail the Dwarves went in. She slowed her pace as she reached a rocky shore, avoiding the dead animal carcasses in her way as she stopped at the end of it, starring forth at the Lake-Town.

Her breath only but slightly hitched as she felt movement behind herself. She grabbed her bow and arrow, kneeling down in front of her foe bow raised straight at it.

"I thought you were an Orc" She commented as a small smile placed itself onto her face.

"If I were an Orc, you would be dead" Legolas remarked, his bow raised as well.

The both of them lowered their weapons as Tauriel stood up. "Tauriel, you cannot hunt 30 Orcs on your own" the prince spoke as he made his way to the red head Elf.

"But I'm not on my own" She shot back, smiling at Legolas. 

Legolas smiled back at her "You knew I would come"

A smirk replaced the smile Tauriel had whilst she turned back to look at the Town in the distance. "The king is angry Tauriel. For 600 years my father has protected you, favored you. You defied his orders" he jumped up on the rock next to her as her smile dropped into that of a small frown "You betrayed his trust. Come back with me, he will forgive you"

Her eyes fixed onto Legolas, her stare was steal like. "But I will not. If I go back, I will not forgive myself. The king has never let Orc filth roam our lands. Yet he would let this Orc pack cross our borders and kill our prisoners"

Legolas shook his head "It is not our fight"

Tauriel squinted at him "It is our fight. It will not end here. With every victory, this evil will grow. If your father has his way, we will do nothing. We will hide within our walls, live our lives away from the light, and let darkness descend. Are we not part of this world? Tell me, mellon. When did we let evil become stronger than us?"

Legolas looked away in thought, his mind quickly flashing twords the male he kept on thinking about, before he turned to his sister-figure "Lead the way, Tauriel"


Veryan bumped into Bofur as the Dwarves pushed through the dark allies of Lake-Town. The minute Bard left his house, and the group saw him hurry off, they ushered out of the house. Bain and the girls tried to stop them, but Veryan's magic kept them in their place as they walked out of the house, making sure they were hidden.

"As soon as we have the weapons we make straight for the mountain" Thorin whispered out the plan to them, then gestured them forward.

The Dwarves made a staircase out of one another, using each other to support the other's who jumped into the Iron-forge. Veryan however felt bad to jump on the others, so he used the building next to him to jump up onto, kicking off of the walls and rolling through the window. 

He picked weapons off of the wall, and handed some to Kili, noting how the male slightly winced everytime. Thorin called the Dwarf over, and proceeded to stack even more weapons in the younger's arms. Veryan couldn't help but wince himself as he saw Kili struggling to keep the weapon's from dropping to the floor. He quickly handed his load to Bofur, and hurried to help Kili, but he didn't make it in time. The poor Dwarf miss placed his foot, and was sent doubling down the stair's, weapons clanging to the ground.

"Kili!" Veryan whisper-shouted out off panic and quickly climbed down the stairs to help the other, only to see guards right in front of, the tip of a blade being shoved against his neck as Kili laid on the stairs, a blade pressed against his neck.

To his delight, the King took absolutely nothing from Veryan. Not his violin, not his blade and not his black dagger. As if the other thought of him as just a mere human, and the Heterochromia male couldn't be more than happy about that.

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