Chapter 17.50

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"Say Fromage!" Aubrey yelled out to Aurora. Aubrey wanted to take a selfie, to commemorate Aurora's first day of highschool in Miami.
Aurora didn't know how to react. She was still fearful, even of her own shadow.
It showed in the picture.

Aubrey's face was full of light and laughter and happiness.
Aurora's face was filled with darkness and demons.

Where Aubrey smiled.
Aurora looked like she wanted to cry and hide.

"Okay North. We will take a picture on this day every year and you will see the difference. We will set them side by side and you will sport a genuine smile one day." Aubrey encouraged her.
Aurora did not believe her for a minute.
With that, Aubrey dragged her inside the huge building and her first day started over.

"Say Fromage!" Aubrey yelled out to Aurora.
"Ugh... Too.. Too early, Riri!" Aurora said back. She was sporting sunglasses on her face and a coffee in her hand.
"Oh come on North! Take a pose, we do this every year on this date. You know that!"

Aurora sighed. She knew she wasn't getting out of this one. Putting her glasses on top of her head, she turned to look at the camera while Aubrey counted down.
"Three. Two. One!" Aubrey smiled at the camera. Aurora kicked her leg out and bent herself backwards and lower, making a weird 'T' shape with her body just as she heard the shutter of the camera on Aubrey's phone.

Looking at the picture, Aubrey was not amused.


Aurora looked at her and laughed.
"You wanted the picture, you got one. I'm smiling while looking awesome and fabulous." Aurora said, smirking.
"Ugh. Fine." Aubrey relented while they made their way into the school halls arm in arm.

During first class she got a ping of her social media. Aubrey had tagged her in the photo.
Caption was simple. 'Four years of love'.

The picture was a collab. Their first picture on this day and the one she had just made. Seeing both pictures side by side, Aurora knew that as long as she had the Sinclair's next to her, she would be happy. Aurora's smile lasted the entire day.

Till next time!
Love, Sarah

She would persevereOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora