chapter 7

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And am I wiser?
For holding close the friends I make
But if I'm wise, then why this feeling
Of a trial that I can't shake?

Sunday night was the first time Adelaide fully awoke. Slightly disoriented, she let her brain get rewired before saying anything. Looking around she saw maman and Aubrey sitting next to each other on the couch with solemn expressions on their faces.

And there it was.
The moment she remembered. As if her brain rebooted itself like a pc.
She was in the hospital.
She got shot. Twice.
Her mother found her and shot her. Her mother wanted her dead.

Then she remembered her escape.
The fire escape.
The run to the hospital. The nurse who caught her when she blacked out.

Getting up slowly, groaning at the pain, Aubrey immediately stood up with water and went to my bedside.
I drank as much as I could in one go before thanking her.
After sitting up straight, I looked at the two women that have stood by me over the years. Through thick and thin they were always there.

"How was the reunion?"

Maman stood with her mouth wide open, shocked at how casual that came out. As if I had not just been shot and almost killed.

"How was the reunion? HOW WAS THE REUNION?! Are you seriously asking me that young lady?! Merde! Do you even remember what happened? Where you are, how worried I was!? I thought I was going to lose you and you ask, 'How was the REUNION?!'"

"So.... I'm guessing it went okay?" I asked her, knowing I was poking the bear.
"Je ne peux..." Maman muttered.

I looked at Aubrey who sighed and gave me a sad smile. I could see the old tear streaks that had been on her face.

"Maman? Maman, can you look at me?" This made maman look up at me, teary eyed as well.
Opening up my arms ready for her. "Can I get a hug?"

Before I knew it, I was encompassed in her arms. Locking me away from the outside world. No wiggle room at all, not that I minded. I must have given her a heart attack with the news that I was here. I'll let the woman have her moment.

Aubrey and I talked around maman who just would not let go. She shifted, so she could see Aubrey as well, but her arms still surrounded me like a cage. A warm one, a welcome one.

Aubrey knew I was not ready to talk about what happened yet, as they were also not ready to hear it, so we just talked about the reunion they had and what shows I had been watching all weekend.

It was not long before I fell asleep in maman's arms.

Waking up the next morning, I wasn't surprised that Maman and Aubrey weren't there. They probably went home for the night. I didn't know exactly what day it was, but I knew it was a weekday, which meant that maman had sent Aburey to school. Even if she wanted to stay with me, there was not much she could do. I was awake. I was showing no signs of anything wrong. I was recovering.

It would be better if she came by after school so she could tell me what rumors I possibly had missed.

"Good Morning dear." A nurse said as she walked into the room.
My voice was still a bit hoarse. "Morning"

"How are you feeling today, sweetheart?" You could just see the happiness for her job radiating from her in waves. It was literally blinding.

Oh I don't know, just peachy I guess. It was a normal Sunday despite my birth mothers attempt to kill me.

She would persevereWhere stories live. Discover now