chapter 16

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You just tryna get a word and life is not fair
I've been workin' on my tunnel vision
Tryna get a new prescription
Takin' swings and even missin' but I don't care

To say dinner was awkward, was an understatement.
It was awkward to the max. Teddy was super silent. He only whispered to me or his mother.
Father hadn't apologised to Teddy yet and  tried to pretend that the tension was non-existent, which is not working and Adaline...
Adaline still pretended that the incident was not her fault. She tried to persuade father and Noah, but with one stern look from Genevieve, she had no option but to admit defeat.

Teddy followed me everywhere I went. I didn't mind. I had become his personal shield.
I was currently in my closet looking for a good outfit to start school with, but couldn't really find something that screamed 'I know I'm awesome'.
I had already Facetimed with Aubrey and maman and didn't want to disturb them too much with my indecisive brain. so I went for the next best option.
I walked out of my room and found Genevieve. She was currently still in discussion with my father. I know they were talking about the incident.
I knocked on the door and they both looked at me.

"Can I help you with something, tesoro?"
"I'm actually here for Gen if you don't mind." I told my father. Genevieve's eyes lit up at her name. Apparently Adaline doesn't really go to her.
"What can I help you with, honey?"
"First day of school and I don't know what to wear. Can you help me pick something out?"

Genevieve immediately stood up with a grin that started to creep me out.
"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go into your closet!"
She practically ran out of the room. I looked back at my father.

"Teddy is in my room if you want to apologise."
"What would I apologise for?" He looked at me confused.

"Are you serious? Are you kidding me?! You blamed him for something he didn't do! You once again proceeded to believe your sweet little princess over any other evidence that was thrown your way! If Gen hadn't stepped up for the sake of her child, like a parent should, you would've still punished Teddy for things he didn't do. Whatever you do, just don't let him be as traumatised as me. It's too late for me, I have to live with the demons now, but Teddy is still young."

With that I walked back to my room. Adaline was in there as well.
I know I did not give you permission.
"Teddy, why can't you just tell her the truth? Why do you want me to be punished?"

"I would stop begging if I was you." I spoke up, walking in between her and Teddy. Essentially shielding Teddy from her face. Genevieve stood to the side looking at both of us, not entirely sure whether she should just let us combust while eating popcorn or diffuse the situation.

"You listen to me and you listen well, Adaline. I am no longer that kid that couldn't stand up for herself. I am no longer that child that didn't have a voice. I will stand up to your tyranny and if you think I'm going to let you blame Teddy for things you've done like you did with me all those years. You are DEAD wrong! No longer will anything in this house break or get stolen without you being punished. I will make sure the truth comes out and you get punished for your deeds. Oh! And don't even think of stabbing yourself again and blaming me or even blaming Teddy. I have eyes and ears everywhere so trust me when I say, you don't want a war with me, You'll end up in either a mental institute or prison. But that's alright isn't it. The apple in your case doesn't seem to fall far from the mother tree. Now I have never allowed you entrance into MY ROOM, so I suggest you get the EFF out, before I start covering Teddy's ears for some other colourful words!"
She hightailed out of there, both of us not knowing someone else was listening to our conversation.

I looked at Teddy and gave him a soft smile, before going back to Genevieve.

"Okay, so Gen. I have stored my clothes per decade. I am a huge vintage lover, so I have a lot of individual pieces that I like to combine with each other. I also have some simple fast fashion items and I want a look that represents me and that does not say 'I go to a PREP school'." I rattled out.
"Don't worry honey, with all these beautiful pieces, I am sure we can find something that is completely you!" She told me.

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