chapter 8.75

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"Goodmorning, Los Angeles. This is Mike. I am Jessica and you're watching TV news.

The first subject of this morning is a Police notification on two wanted people. Candace Lahani and her boyfriend Jason Smith." A photo of both were being shown on the tv.

"Both are on the run from the police after an incident of domestic violence since last Saturday. Police are suspecting that these two people have possibly been the perpetrator in wounding Candace Lahani's daughter; Adelaide."

"Yes, Mike. Sources say that Adelaide, age 16, was running into the emergency room of St. Rosemary's hospital in Miami. Covered in blood, with a huge open wound on her abdomen. Some have also pulled up camera footage that had seen Adelaide running about a block away from her apartment, all the way to the hospital with that wound. On the CCTV footage you can also tell that she was not wearing any shoes and she was dressed in something that looked like home wear or PJ's."

"Yes and according to sources the closest hospital, St Rosemary, was about 7 miles from her home. Think about it. She ran 7 miles, barefooted, with an open wound, basically bleeding out. It's horrible. Who would do something like that to a child. Their own child?"

"I know Mike, it's unbelievable. We also have our correspondent Jeremiah, that is with the neighbour of the family at this very moment. Jeremiah, is there anything you can tell us?"

"Well Jessica, I talked to the Neighbours and apparently, the only one that lived here was Adelaide. She moved in when she was about 13 and just told everyone that her mother worked night shifts, so the chances of seeing her would be slim. The neighbour Mrs. Plum also said that about a year ago Adelaide finally came clean to her after questioning it for so long. Turns out that Adelaide has in fact lived here on her own for years, after and I quote 'Escaping Satan's lair' . Misses Plum said that Adelaide had lived in Abuse ever since the age of eight. Her father, whose name we don't know, had given up custody of Adelaide at that point in time. We don't know why though. Her sister and brothers are still living with their father and according to mrs. Plum, Adelaide has not seen or spoken to any of them since then. Adelaide is about to turn seventeen. Can you imagine Jessica? That not only has your own family turned their back on you, but your own mother is abusive. I feel for the poor child."

The whole DiMartino family was together in the living room, when the news was reported on the tv. They heard it, but it had not registered in their minds. They cared, but apparently not enough. They either were in conversations with one another or on their phones. Genevieve, their stepmother, had heard it and thought the names sounded vaguely familiar, but she could not remember from where. For she had never met Adelaide before.

It was the ones behind the scenes that heard the message and cried tears of pain. The waiting staff knew and cared for Adelaide, more than her own family ever did. And they were the ones that hated the fact that their boss had sent such a loving girl away from the only place she knew.

The head butler, Mister Beckett, had immediately contacted one of the eldest children, Ezekiel, who was already in Miami, for information. After hearing that she was awake and well was the moment that mister Beckett finally drew breath again. Ezekiel also relayed the message that he was never leaving Adelaide's side again.

Ezekiel couldn't think of anything. His mind was racing all different thoughts through each other. He was spiralling. Adelaide had fallen asleep.

His Lainy was in a hospital bed.

His Lainy was shot. Twice.

His birth mother was the one who shot her.

His birth mother abused her.

His birth mother drugged her.

His birth mother sold her.

That woman no longer had the right to be called a mother.

Ezekiel should've never let go of adelaide.

He should've done something.

He should've gone with her.

But now there was nothing he could do about everything that had already happened.

The only thing he could do was be there for her.

Never let her leave again.

And if she would, he would go with her. Wherever she wanted to go.

He would never let her go again.

His Lainy was right where she was supposed to be.

Right here in his arms.

Now until forever.

She would persevereWhere stories live. Discover now