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"Talk. Now."

The children of Odin looked at each other, with clear panic on their faces.

Here were three of the strongest beings the avengers have ever known and they were afraid.

Thor took a step back and unsuccessfully hid himself behind his brother while Hela stared at the floor like a scolded child.

Actually, they all looked like children who'd been caught doing something they shouldn't have done and are now waiting on a long and painful lecture.

"I said now," Lucifer growled making a shiver run up everyone's spine.

"Ah, what a wonderful coincidence running into you-" Loki tried to charm the angry devil but one glared silenced him. Thor nudged him making the god of mischief scowl at him and stepped to the side, leaving Thor open for Lucifer's vicious glare.

"Either talk now or..." she left the threat hanging which in Tony's opinion made it work better than it should've. Remind him to remind FRIDAY to remind him to note it down.

"We..." Hela spoke for the first time making her younger siblings inch closer to her, ready to use her as cover if— no when things turned bloodied, "We apologize."


The avengers and non-avengers watched with disbelief. Tony was so close to asking FRIDAY if they were all having a mutual hallucination or if this was actually happening.

Bets on rogue drug gone sentient from HYDRA trying to avenge its fellow drugs by driving the avengers either mad, or kill via heart attack.

"For..." Hela looked at the others, "Loki?"

Loki cleared his throat, "yes, we apologize for the thing."

"What thing?"  Lucifer crossed her arms.

"And Thor will tell you all about the thing," Loki said with fake confidence.

Said man glared at his brother before looking at Lucifer with a pained small," the thing where we did the thing."

The devil looked at them for longer than it was comfortable before sighing, "you have no idea, do you?"

The three shook their heads.

Wow. Ok.

"Sit, before you pass out from panicking," the devil directed them to vacant seats and sat on the couch facing them, with Peter awkwardly by her side. The others had all stood up from their previous positions and were in a confused standing position where they didn't know what to do. Attack? Attack the three powerful gods? Run? And where exactly would they run to?

"What is happening?" Tony finally asked.

Lucifer rubbed her eyes w her thumb and fore forefinger, "Sit down Strange, and don't even think about portaling away."

Strange froze with his arms ready to open a portal and sat down on the nearest surface: the armrest of Clint's chair.

They did an awkward nod of the head hello thing and went back to staring at the devil and three gods.

What a pair.

"I assure you gudmor, whatever you think we've done we haven't done it."

"So you're telling me you three didn't start arguing over who's worse, didn't end up bringing up the apocalypse, going to Sakaar, tearing up the place, destroying half the royal gardens, and then lied about it to your mother saying it was me?!"

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