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"I don't understand why we have to be here," Captain America said as Tony entered the living room of the Avengers Tower

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"I don't understand why we have to be here," Captain America said as Tony entered the living room of the Avengers Tower.

After their failed attempt at making Lucifer go away with pizza, Tony had declared this an Avengers level hazard and called in the rest of the Avengers.

With Natasha, Clint, and Tony already on the scene, they thought it was best if they explained the situation to the rest first before letting them see Lucifer.

So after the Avengers were called, they left Lucifer and Peter back in the kitchen and made their way to the living room.

"We are here because I missed you," Tony was met with deadpan eyes, "alright, we have a situation."

"What kind of situation?" Wanda asked wearily, no situation is ever good. Especially if the Avengers are involved.

"Nothing deadly," a brief pause, "or I don't think it is, Natasha?"

The red-haired assassin looked at everyone, "it depends."

"On what?"

"How annoying you are."

Clint jumped in, still sulking from being squished for the second time in less than 12 hours, "Don't listen to her, it's the devil, tots evil."

Steve raised a hand to calm Clint down, "Now Clint, we don't go around calling people the devil, that's not nice."

"No, I mean, literally."

Vision frowned, "Satan?"


The Avengers shared a look.

"I'm not crazy!"

They looked at Clint, concerned.

Tony hid his smile behind his hand, "Okay, let me call in the kiddo."

Seconds later, the door opened and Peter walked in with Lucifer behind him.

The Avengers -the ones who just saw her for the first time- looked confused.

"Hi!" Peter waved at them before he went and sat on the closest empty space to Tony.

"Hi Peter," Vision said and looked at Lucifer, trying to figure out who she was.

"Hello," Lucifer said as she sat down next to Clint, who scooted away and put a pillow between them and then gestured to all the empty space, "there's literally six empty spaces around here, and you had to sit next to me?"

"I like your taste of fear."

Clint looked at Natasha with wide eyes, begging to be protected. Natasha pretended she hadn't seen him and continued to inspect her nails.

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