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Indigo and I had just laid the twins down. We were just standing and staring at them as they slept. Neither one of us could believe we were really parents.

I turned towards her, grabbed her hand, we pulled each other close and hugged each other tight. I looked up at her and she pecked my lips twice.

"I'm hungry..." I said

"What you wanna eat cuz I can get something delivered??" She asked

"Awww..." we heard making us turned around

Naomi and Liyah was standing at the door smiling at us.

"Why are y'all being nosy??" I asked

"We wasn't being nosy. We were leaving out the room and just so happen to see y'all being cute..." Liyah said

"What y'all eating tonight??" Indigo asked them

"I don't know I was going downstairs to asked mom..." Liyah said

"Well go ask and let us know..." I told her and she nodded

They left out and went downstairs. I laid my head on Indigo's chest.

"I can't believe we just had babies..." Indigo said

"Me either..." I said

"Come on. Let's stop being creeps and let them sleep..." she said and we laughed a lil

I cut the baby monitor on and we left out. Indigo help me downstairs. I sat on the couch and Indigo put the other baby monitor beside me.

"Hey baby, how you feeling??" Mom asked coming out the guest room

"I'm okay. Vagina sore but it's nothing that Indigo hasn't already done..." I said smiling

Mom shook her head and Indigo laughed.

"Soooo, what we eating cuz I've been labor for 9 hours and couldn't eat. I'm starving..." I said

It's night time and I haven't eaten since yesterday night. I'm ready to tear some food up.

"Want some wing stop??" Liyah asked

"Yes..." I said nodding

Liyah called and ordered different wings, a big thing of fries and corn. Indigo went up to check on the twins while we waited for the food. They were sleep until our food came. When the food came they became fussy. Indigo went up to get them and bring them down. We rocked back to sleep and laid them in the bassinet that we had in the front room. After we sat down, Indigo and I got our food and started eating.

"Y'all really got kids..." Liyah said looking at us

Indigo and I laughed. Indigo phone started ringing. She picked it up and it was the gang calling. She answered and everybody popped up with smiles making us laugh.

How you feeling baby mama??" T asked as Indigo turned the camera towards me

"I'm okay. Just amazed that I gave birth and now I'm a full time mom..." I said biting a wing

"Damn baby, slow down..." Storme said

I gave her a middle finger and bit my wing again.

"I've been labor for 9 hours with no food. So, I deserve to eat like dog..." I said

"Yes she does..." Indigo said

"How was delivery??" Aja asked

"It was long, discomforting and a bit painful but it was worth it..." I said looking at my babies

"During the whole thing I felt so bad. She was in so much pain and I couldn't do nothing. She was screaming and crying almost made me cry..." Indigo said

"Awww baby..." I said kissing her cheek smiling

"Can we see our God children??" Jilly asked

"Yes..." I said

Indigo got up then she helped me up. We went over to the twins and showed them to all of their God parents. They seen the twins and all of their faces lit up. They were talking about how beautiful Rhythm was and how handsome Calm is. I rubbed their faces with my finger and they both smile. Awes came from everybody on the phone and everybody in the house.

"What's their names??" Juice asked

"Baby girl name is Rhythm Marie Cotton and this handsome man name is Calm Inez Cotton..." Indigo said smiling

"Awww, Marie like big mama's name..." Skye said

"Yes..." I said nodding
"I surprised Indigo with that middle name..." I said before she kissed my forehead

"Rhythm and Calm. That's unique..." Logan said and everybody agreed

After showing them the twins, we went back to eat. Once we were done, we got the twins and took them upstairs. We changed their pampers, I fed them again and we played with them. Their eyes were opened and they were smiling down.

"They're so beautiful..." Indigo said as they held each one of her fingers

"They are..." I said smiling at them

"Baby, she has your nose. A little pointy nose..." she says looking at Rhythm and I

I smile and tapped her nose. She scrunched up her face making us laugh.

"Ion think she like that..." I said

I did it again and she let out a lil screech.

"Yeah, she don't like that..." Indigo said

"You do it, let's see what she does..." I said to Indigo

Indigo did it and she smiled. I opened my mouth shocked.

"Oh, she gone steal my woman..." I said making Indigo laugh

We look at Calm and he was chilling. He was reaching his hand out for Rhythm's. I moved her closer and their hands instantly connected.

"Awww..." I says as Indigo and I smiled

After a few we changed their diapers, put their night clothes on with socks and put them down to sleep. We have another little bassinet in our room with the wheels. We decided to let them sleep in the room with us. I got up, went to the bathroom, cleaned myself, came out and got in bed. Soon as my head hit the pillows, I was out. I slept until about 1 in the morning cuz they were ready to eat again. Indigo was up with me as I breastfed them. I was falling asleep as I breastfed them. Once I was done, we changed their pampers then Indigo grabbed them.

"Get some sleep baby. I'll get them to sleep..." Indigo told me

"You sure??" I asked looking at her

"You had an long day. Get some sleep and I'll take care of them..." she said smiling at me

"Okay..." I said laying back down

I feel asleep instantly. Around 4 in the morning I had to feed them again and change them. Indigo put them to sleep while I slept until 7 and they were ready to eat again.

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