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We was on the FaceTime in a group chat and Mari hung up then she hung up our FaceTime call.

"Is she okay??" Jilly asked

"She probably bout to hop in the shower..." I said

Then I got a text from her telling me she was going to call me later. I texted her back okay.

"So what y'all doing for y'all 3 year anniversary??" Jilly asked smiling

"Shit I'm not sure if we are going to be able to do something..." I said rubbing my face, ova this whole situation

"That's fucked up if y'all can't..." Sanjay said and everyone agreed

"I guess it's just the situation we in at the moment but I really hope we are able to celebrate together tho..." I said

All this shit is crazy. I can't see my woman. We can't go home. We haven't seen Aaliyah since we left. Yes, we've talked to her but seeing her is different. I know all this shit is killing Mari. I know that we are both ova this but she OVA all this. She hates it and so do I. I don't know how longer do they expect us to go through this before we say fuck it. Their days has been turning into weeks. Quite frankly I don't like it. Just tell us what the fuck is going on!!!

We stayed on the phone for like 20 more minutes before we all got off. I waited around until Mari called me back. After like a hour and a half she hasn't called so I went to take a hot shower. I got out the bed, went into the bathroom and cut on the shower. The shower started steaming and I liked it like that. The steam make it seem hot but it don't be that hot. I stripped outta my clothes and hopped in. Soon as the water touched my skin, I let a loud relaxing sigh. Felt like I've been holding that sigh in for weeks. I closed my eyes and let the hot water run all down my body as I enjoyed every bit of it. Once I was done I grabbed my towel and started bathing. After my first scrub, I washed the water off and went again. After that I rinsed the soap off and sat under the water some more. After like 15 minutes, I cut the water off and got out. I grabbed a face towel, wiped my face, cleaned it with cleanser that Mari bought then I washed it off. Also she bought me this moisturizer to put on my face so that's what I did. I rubbed it on and went into the room, wrapped up in my big towel. I went through my suitcase to get a white tee and a pair of briefs. I dried off and put on this lotion Mari gave me to "moisturize myself."


I just got out the tub and threw on a pair of brief and got in bed.

"What are you doing??" Mari asked

"Laying down..." I said looking at her

"Here put this on..." she said handing me some lotion

"What I need lotion for I'm bout to go to sleep??" I asked

"To keep yourself moisturized and soft. Don't go to sleep ashy, put that on. I have a lot of that so keep it and put it on every time you get out the tub..." she said looking at me

"Whatever..." I said putting lotion on my legs

"Then use this for your face. Every time you wash it..." she says handing my some face moisturizer

I grabbed and put it on my face after I moisturized my body.

Can't lie that shit do moisturize your body and keep it soft. I really appreciate her for introducing me to that.

After I put my clothes on. I grabbed a juice out the mini fridge and got in bed. After I like 2 hours of Mari not calling me, I FaceTimed her. It run like 5 times and I was bout to hang up until she answered.

"Hello..." she said in her sleepy voice
It's so sexy!!!

"I'm sorry for waking you..." I said and I really wasn't

"It's alright, I'm up now..." she said yawning and stretching

"Did I irritate you earlier??" I asked looking in the camera

I seen her head shoot up.

"No baby. Why would you think that??" She said

"Because earlier you just hung up on me..." I said

"No it wasn't you. I wasn't nobody actually. I was so overwhelmed about everything that's been going on and I was in my head. It was too much and I needed some time to just breath a little ..." she said making me understand

"Wanna talk about it??" I asked looking at her

I saw her lay her head back.

"I was just thinking about how a couple months ago everything was perfect. We were happy, I was pregnant and we were bout to start a family. All of sudden everything went down hill. I was think earlier I know they said things happen for a reason and never question God. But like, what's the reason behind all of these? We left all the drama behind when we moved and somehow drama found it's way right back to us. I'm trying to see the good in what's happening to us but I can't right now. I'm trying to be calm and not be a bitch but this shit is ridiculous..." she said and I couldn't agree with her more

"And we are steady running from this nigga. At this point I'm concerned . Why y'all just won't lay this nigga out? He's not gonna stop. Only thing he's doing is making our life a living hell. It's either kill him or this shit going to continue..." she said before letting out a loud sigh

"I couldn't agree with you more baby. It's like every time we are doing fine, he does sometimes. He's the problem..." I said

"He has always been the problem..." she said
"Y'all need get the crew and take his ass out before he take one of us out..." she said

"What you mean "take one of us out??" I asked

"The cheesecake was meant to take me and the baby out..." she said

"How you know that??" I asked

"I'm not slow Indigo. What other way to make you miserable then killing me? Indigo you don't really care for others the way you truly care for me. You said yourself you'll do anything to protect me and he knows that. He feel if he takes me out, he finally will have you..." she said making me really start thinking

Is that really what he think? He's been doing all these things to Amari for years not me. First it was trying to rape her, then it was taking her way, now it's the poisoned cheesecake.

"Baby how do you know all this??" I asked

"I sit back and think about everything that's been going on. After the accident he's only been targeting me for some reason. That reason is to pull you in and do what he wants with you..." she said

"I never really thought about it like that..." I said looking at the ceiling

"When I really sit down and think. My mind go bazaar..." she says and I agree

"So what you suggest we do??" I asked her

"Find that nigga and kill him before he start doing the killing..." she said

"Just like that??" I asked with a chuckle

"Just like that..." she said

I looked at her through the camera for a second.

"Do you love me??" I asked

"Of course I love you Papa. Why would I not??" She said

"I was just asking..." I said

"Indigo I love you. I will always love you. I will never stop loving you. I Promise..." she says making me smile

"I love you too Little one..." I said

We talked for a lil while longer. We were sleep talking before we ended up falling asleep.

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