Chapter 49

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Olivia's POV:

I woke up to some 70's song playing quietly from Cleo's phone speaker. Later last night, she put on the Beatles, claiming that they could put me to sleep better than anything else. I guessed it worked, cause I didn't remember much past that.

Beside me, Cleo was hugging me into her chest. I didn't think I'd ever been that close to someone while they were sleeping. I could practically see the air she was breathing in and out swirling in her lungs. She had tugged off her sweater some time in the night and was left in just a tank top. Carefully, I pressed lines into her skin, tracing up and down her shoulders like I was reaching into her very soul. Cleo stirred beside me and roped me in closer.

For those few minutes, when it was just Cleo and I in her bed with the sun peaking in through her blinds and her phone playing soft music, I forgot everything else. And then, all at once, I remembered. And it hollowed me out completely.

I didn't want to wake up in this bed. I wanted back my bedroom, and my house, and my mom. I wanted back everything I'd taken for granted just yesterday. Cleo was solid and good, but I couldn't bear it. My stomach hurt thinking about my house without me.

Her eyes opened. They looked bluer than usual.

"Good morning," I whispered after a beat, and she smiled down at me.

"Morning, baby," she replied, her voice heavy with sleep. "I could get used to waking up next to you."

My stomach was still in knots, but hearing that made me breathe a little easier. If there was one thing Cleo knew, it was how to calm me down.

"How did you sleep?" she asked.

"Good. I fell asleep quick after we talked."

"Good," she said. "You hungry?"

"Not exactly," I mumbled, placing a kiss on the corner of her mouth.

"Hm, not exactly?" Cleo repeated, nudging her knee in between my thighs and smiling.

She lowered her head to kiss me and I moved to straddle her waist. I couldn't tell what was coming alive inside of me. Maybe I was upset and needed a distraction. Or, maybe waking up beside her really did feel good. I liked not having to sneak her out of the house at midnight.

"You're bold this morning," she hummed. I didn't notice how far my hands were traveling down her body, but I could tell she liked it. Cleo dipped to kiss down my neck, nibbling at my collarbone and leaving me to groan in response. "And loud too," she added.

We didn't separate for a long time and when we did, we were spent and bruised. I glanced over at the time which, to my horror, read back exactly 15 minutes before I had to be at school.

"Shit," I moved off of her and stood up beside the bed, "We're late. Hand me my shirt."

Cleo picked up my shirt and held it from her index finger, swinging it side to side. "What, this shirt?"

"Cleo, come on. We have first period in 15 minutes. Dr. Robinson will freak out if I'm late- shit, I don't have a uniform. I can't believe I forgot to-"

"Relax, baby," Cleo smiles. "You can borrow one of mine. As for breakfast, we have cereal in the pantry and milk in the fridge. Go knock yourself out." Cleo fell back into her pillow, her hair gathering around her like a darkened sun.

"You're not going to school today?"

"Nuh-uh," she managed out while burrowing her face in the comforter. "Unless you want me to, of course."

"No, that's okay," I said, rocking awkwardly on the heels of my feet. "But, you know, wearing one of your uniforms really wouldn't work. I have to be in dress code, and your's... aren't. And cereal takes about 10 minutes to eat, so I'd probably end up being late."

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