Chapter 27

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Olivia's POV:

We opened mini-gifts in the resort lobby. Me, Ally, and Cleo all got an assortment of candies and stocking stuffers. Ally had to have eaten six candy bars before she finally felt too nauseous to stay with us.

"Okay girls," my mom said, tugging Allison up the stairs beside her. "You need to get to bed soon. Please don't make too much noise."

"Yes ma'am," I said, and she disappeared up the stairs.

Cleo glanced over at me. "Thank you, for today. And, you know. Everything

I smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Don't thank me," I replied. "Did you have a nice Christmas?"

"It was perfect."

"I'm glad," I said.

She turned and looked out the window. "The snow is so pretty here."

I stood up and extended my hand to her. Cleo took it and I led her to the balcony, looking out at the mountains and endless for trees. There we stood, snow falling around us and our fingers interlocked. Cleo marveled at the view, her breath leaving her in gusts of white. I wanted to bottle up the way she looked and keep it forever.

"I could get used to this," she said.

"Yeah," I said, and I still don't quite know which of us meant to snow, and which of us meant the company.

And then, Cleo looked over at me, and took in a breath. "Be my girlfriend," she said, like the words had a mind of their own.


"Be my girlfriend," she said again, and I could feel my breathing slow. "We don't have to be public about it if that's not what you want. I don't care about all of that. I just..." she took in a breath meeting my eyes fully. "I want to call you mine. Is that okay?"

I leaned in and kissed her hard. "Of course that's okay," I beamed.

She smiled at me, her eyes bright.

"And of course I'll be your girlfriend.

*  *  *

We woke up the next morning and kissed the mountains goodbye. It felt like I had given so much of myself to this resort in just the few days we stayed there. I didn't want to leave, but I was pulled away.

The car ride back was spent quietly. Cleo and I texted back in forth I'm the backseat so mom wouldn't catch on.

Cleo: hey cutie

I smiled as the notification appeared, glancing over at Cleo in the seat beside me.

Me: What's up?

Cleo: nothing, just miss talking to u

Me: You're sweet :)

Cleo: i am not

I giggled quietly, glancing at her again.

Me: So now that I'm your girlfriend, what's the plan?

Cleo: we need a plan?

Me: Of course we do.

Cleo: right. i forgot who i was talking to

Me: Fuck off.

Me: I just mean, I don't think publicly dating is the best call.

Cleo: neither do i

Me: Okay, cool. We can date in secret then.

Cleo: awesome. secret is more fun anyways ;)

* * *

The car ride was over quickly and Will would be coming to pick up Cleo soon. We went upstairs for the few minutes we had before her departure.

"Okay," I stated as soon as my bedroom door shut. Cleo sat on my bed, grabbing a throw pillow and hugging it in her lap.

"We need guidelines."

"Guidelines?" she echoed, tilting her head.

"Yes. Rules for how dating in secret should be."

"You're such a loser," Cleo spoke through grinning lips.

"Choosing to ignore you," I uttered and grabbed a notebook and pen from the drawer of my desk. "Rule #1," I stated, my pen hovering above the untouched paper. "Nobody at school can know. That includes Daniel and Sophia and Cara."

"That seems fair," Cleo murmured, looking over as I wrote clearly on the first line "Tell NOBODY at school!"

"Rule #2, when we hang out or go on dates, refer to it as 'tutoring sessions'. That way it won't arise suspicions and will keep your social life safe from whatever us being together might cause."

"Hey," Cleo said sternly. "I don't care what that dumbass school thinks about me. I like you," she said.

"I know," I answered, grinning.

"I just... I don't want anything bad to happen. You know?"

"Yeah," I said. "Not to mention it could lesson my chance of making student council president. The campaign race is coming up and Cara will use whatever dirt she can to make sure I lose."

"You're going to win," Cleo said confidently.

"I hope so," I whispered as I wrote the second rule down.

"Rule #3," I spoke. "We need some sort of code word to let the other know we should meet in the bathroom to... talk."

Cleo let out a chuckle. "You mean makeout?"

"Cleo," I hissed. "It could just be to talk."

"Sure," she said slyly. "What should the code word be?"

I glanced around my bedroom for inspiration and saw one of my old debate trophies hung and shining on my wall.

"Trophy," I said.

"Strange, Via. But sure, trophy sounds good."

"Good," I spoke, writing the last rule down. "And we can always add new rules if we must."

"You really are something, Olivia Hansen. You're the only person who would need a list of rules to follow for a relationship," Cleo joked, pulling me in by my hand.

I sat the notebook and pen beside her on my bed. "Rules are helpful. I know it's not quite your style but-"

"Relax, baby," she cooed, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. "I like it. Even if it's lame"

I kissed her to shut her up.

*  *  *


HOLY SHIT!!! Thank you guys so much for 100k reads!! I know that's not as much as some other books but I really never thought more than 3 people would read this. You guys have inspired me so much and I'm so proud to have accumulated this many devoted readers!!  I love each and every one of you guys.

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