29 - Lady Luck.

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Jungkook was feeling numb with overwhelming emotions. He felt anger, heartbreak and even humiliation. After V left his room, Jungkook just sat on the bed. His head was spinning so badly that he almost felt lightheaded, like he was about to faint.

It was his fault, his fault for getting his heart involved here. He came to avenge his sister so he should have done it and left this hell. But no! He had to fall in love and get his heart broken.

Even though Jungkook wanted to cry so badly, he didn't. Not even a single tear. V was not worth his tears. V had been a distraction and Jungkook told himself that he should be happy to get rid of it. Now all that's left is to finish what he came to do and get out of here. V and Jay both can go to hell, together, if that's what they prefer.

Jungkook will break into Jay's office tomorrow night. And after he get what he came for, he will leave this hellhole..  
Jungkook went to the club the next day, as usual, so that there wouldn't be any suspicions. He had made plans to leave in the early morning hours and go back to the mansion. If all went well, he will return to the club again, without anyone knowing he had been gone.

Running in the daylight is a much safer option as he will be at a disadvantage in the night. He needed to contact Yoongi too. The sooner he finishes this, the better.

Jungkook looked at the time. He had about half an hour more to start. He felt anxious but at the same time, a sense of finality. He will finally be able to get justice for his baby sister.

But it looks like lady luck was not on his side. As he made his way across the club to leave through the back door, he was met with Jay. V and a few others were with him too.

Jungkook couldn't help the anger from reaching his eyes with the sight of V, who looked unbothered as always. Jungkook mentally scoffed. Of course the elder had always been a good actor, Jungkook should have known better than to trust the guy.

Jay on the other hand, looked rather amused at this interaction.

"Jungkook, are you going somewhere?" Jay asked with a hint of a smirk.

"Just to the washroom, Jay." Jungkook answered with a sheepish grin. "And... uhh... maybe get a drink afterwards? Feeling like getting drunk today."

Jay gave a little laugh and went on his way to his VIP booth. He had plans to enjoy the night today.

With great difficulty, V managed not to look back at the younger. He had this gut feeling that something bad was about to happen. Jungkook looked too relaxed and happy even when V actually expected him to be in a bad mood.

But he didn't have time to dwell on it because Jay called for his attention right then.

"V?" Jay's voice broke V's chain of thought and he turned to look at the boss.

"Yes, Jay?"

"You and Jungkook seemed a little... tense."

V's face might have looked unbothered but his heart just did a somersault. He thought for a mere second and decided to go with a partial truth.

"Yeah. He's being fucking difficult." V replied with a voice oozing with annoyance. "But don't worry, I'll have him where I want soon enough."

Jay gave a nod with an encouraging smile but as soon as V turned away, he dropped his smile. Jay couldn't see anything suspicious in his toy's face and that same fact was worrying him.

So when V went to dance a bit, Jay picked up his phone and gave it to his tech guy, Chen.

"Check this phone. Find out if there is anything suspicious in it."

If Chen was surprised to receive such a command from the boss, especially regarding his personal toy, he didn't show it. He quickly took the phone and went to a discreet corner to work his magic.

Jungkook waited for about 10 minutes in the washroom, incase Jay still had his attention on him, before coming out. No one paid him any attention as Jungkook carefully went out from the back door.

He came back to the mansion within half an hour and went to his room first. It's foolish to think that the circumstances would allow him to come back here and he would rather have his gun with him. He left his phone hidden in the club, just so that they would not be able to track his real location.

After tucking the small gun into the back of his pants, Jungkook went out of the room and made his way towards Jay's office. Luckily for him, he didn't encounter anyone and safely made it to the office.

He had searched pretty much everywhere in the office last time except for the safe. He didn't attempt to break into it last time mainly because he had no clue how to. But he partially saw the code when V punched it in that night so he might be able to give it a try this time.

Jungkook sat down with a little flashlight on his hand, and started to type various combinations, based on what he saw. First one didn't work, the second one didn't, and so it continued.
Chen came back with V's phone and handed it over to Jay and the latter took it while listening to Chen's finding. He didn't know what to think of it. At first, Chen had thought that there was a spy-ware planted on it but it turned out to be a false alarm.

The phone was clean, there wasn't anything suspicious in it.

V returned after some time, exhausted by dancing and Jay gave him another smile, a little genuine one this time. He was happy to know that his toy doesn't have any hidden agendas.

They were enjoying the night when suddenly Jay's phone rang. He looked at the called ID to see Kai's name, and answered the phone.

A smile, a truly psychotic one, came on to his face at what the person from the other end said. This night is turning out to be an exceptionally wonderful one it seems.

Jungkook groaned in dismay for what must be the hundredth time as he put in the wrong code again. He had hoped to get this done a lot sooner but luck is definitely not on his side tonight. There were still few combinations left so he just continued.

Suddenly a click was heard and Jungkook jumped back a bit in shock. Finally, he was able to open the safe. He quickly pulled out a few of the documents, trying to pick some evidence against the monster so that he could take him down.

But again, lady luck was not on his side tonight.
V didn't question when Jay suddenly announced that they were going back. He was used to Jay's sudden mood changes and decisions anyway. But he felt a little strange when Jay called all his trusted men back with him. And the smile that Jay had after he answered that call was another red flag.

So on his way out, V managed to catch the eye of Hoseok, and gave him a tiny nod. A message, that had been pre-agreed, was passed between them.

A message to tell the other to be cautious. And prepared.

Once they were in the mansion, Jay walked straight into his office. V followed him, without much thought but what he saw once he got inside, made a wave of fear go through his entire body.

Jungkook was kneeling on the floor, with clear signs of a fight while Kai and Chenyeol stood on either side of him. The door of Jay's safe was wide open but what caught V's eyes the most, was Jungkook's tiny gun, that was now being pointed to the latter's own head.

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