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I slid into a stool beside Estella at the bar.

She had convinced me to go clubbing with her tonight, so after many shopping trips we got ready and came to the club.




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I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and patiently waited as she ordered drinks. As I waited I took the time to admire my surroundings. The theme was black all around. The bar had a marble like surface. Neon lights flashed around, a few landing on my face every so often. The dance floor was crowded as people swayed against one another to a Chase Atlantic song.

"Four for you and seven for me." four shot glasses were placed in front of me.

I turned to Estella with a grin, "Seven?"

With a roll of her eyes she replied, "I know how to handle mine." she held one up before downing it.

I shook my head and replicated her actions. Surprisingly, the liquid flowed down my throat easily. I sat the glass on the bar and let out a breath.

This was going to be a long night.


Estella held onto me as I rotated my hips against her front.

We weren't doing anything extreme.

Just two gals grinding against one another.

I want another drink.

I pulled away from the blonde and tripped over air in the process. Estella reacted quickly and pulled me into her before laughing at my clumsy state.

I peeked up at her through my hooded eyelids and drunkly smiled.

She laughed with low eyes of her own, "Slow down, buttercup."

I gave my best friend a thumbs up before making my way to the bar once again.

When I reached the familiar countertop I hopped onto one of the unoccupied stools and smiled cheekily at the bartender who looked at me with an amused expression.

I smiled at the two clips that I had removed from my head and put into his.

When I noticed the way the brown curls of hair sat loosely over his eyes I had climbed over the bar and placed my accessories into his hair so that it would be pulled back.

Estella had attempted to both get me down and pull down the bottom of my dress to stop others from seeing my underwear. The bartender, who's name I'd learned to be Rory only chuckled at the scene we were making.

That was ten minutes ago.

"I'll have-"

"I think you've had enough. You are just barely holding yourself up in that chair." he laughed as he cleaned out a glass.

I frowned and quickly fixed my slouching frame.

"Rory, I- I thought we were friends." I placed my hand onto my chest to show how offended I was.

He playfully rolled his eyes and sat the glass and towel down, "Although we just met, I don't mind being your friend. If that's the case friends look out for one another, so I'm not gonna let you get even more buzzed than you already are. I'm telling you tomorrow won't be so pretty for you."

"You're mean." I hiccuped.

He laughed softly before turning his attention over to a girl who had sat down beside me. Her ponytail sat atop her head as it pulled tightly at her scalp.

I cringed and subconsciously reached into my curls of hair before scratching my head as if I was the one wearing the hairstyle.

I tried to send Rory a glare, but because of my low eyes he only grinned and waved his hand at me, signaling my leave.

You share your hair accessories with someone and they immediately turn their back on you.

I hopped down from the seat and turned around only to hit my forehead on something hard.


My hand flew up to my head where I rubbed it viciously - as if that would stop the aching pain.

"You should really watch where you're going." a voice said to where only I could hear.

A frown took over my features and I lifted my head.

I was met with a pair of blue eyes.

I dropped my frown and pointed my finger at the 'goddess' that I had ran into earlier on today.

"I rem- member you!" I exclaimed, slightly stuttering over my words.

I hadn't gotten a clear look at her face because of the rush she seemed to be in earlier, but the pair of sapphire colored irises was what refreshed my memory.

Now I was able to take in her features completely.

The corners of her mouth slowly tugged into a smirk. Unlike this morning, her hair was slicked back into a ponytail which gave a better view of her sculpted jawline and a tattoo behind her ear that I hadn't noticed before.

Her lips were full and colored a natural pink color. Her eyelashes acted as umbrellas as they casted of her low eyes.

The black crop top which she wore paired with a pair of denim jeans did nothing but show off her tall and slim body.

My gaze dropped down to her hand.

I tilted my head curiously, "Why are you carr- rying an empty gl- ass bottle?"

"I was on my way to break it over someone's head before you stopped me." she said nonchalantly with a shrug before looking around us as if she was on high alert.

I burst into laughter and held onto my stomach.

I had been laughing for fifteen seconds before I realized that she hadn't been laughing along with me.

I hiccuped before saying in sudden realization, "Oh you're serious."

She nodded and took a glance around the room again.

"Who are you looking for?" I blurted out another question.

The taller woman only glanced down at me and chuckled before passing by me - the bottle that contained no liquid in it held tightly within her grasp.

I pouted, "Everyone's so mean tonight."

I wanna go home.


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