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"Isla!" I cry out, rushing toward her as Shay steps back, cupping his jaw. Drawing nearer, I notice Isla readjusting her dress, the zipper partially undone.

Her eyes are wild, and she struggles for breath. "I said no," she grits at Shay.

"Please, Trouble," Shay pleads. "You can't—"

"Shay," Griffin intervenes, stepping beside his Beta and placing a calming hand on his arm. "I think you should give Isla some space. Go outside and calm your Wolf."

Shay shakes his head, anger and hurt burning in his eyes. "You're making a mistake," he tells Isla before storming past us and out of the room.

"Angelo," Bass begins, his voice filled with compassion for Isla, but I whirl around to face him.

"Out," I command, pointing to the other men. "All of you, out."

Alexei, swallowing deeply, thankfully doesn't argue, concern showing on his face. "We will leave you ladies to it," he advises, then adds as he turns to leave. "Erin, it's nearly time."

I nod, checking my watch and seeing that the speeches are due to commence in 15 minutes. "I'll be there." Watching the men exit, I see Griffin tug on Ava's arm and pull her towards the doube doors.

"Come, Doe, Isla needs space."


"Leave her be," Griffin interrupts, and I know he's communicating through their bond. Ava reluctantly agrees with her mate, leaving shortly after.

With the room now clear, it's just the two of us. I turn back to Isla, her gaze unfocused and her body swaying. "Are you okay?" I ask, concern blooming in my chest.

Isla shudders and blinks several times, attempting to regain her composure. "I, I..." She stutters but struggles to complete her sentence.

"Did he hurt you?" I ask, ready to confront Shay and defend Isla.

"No," Isla shouts, then shakes herself, her voice lowering. "No, Shay. It's complicated."

"And I assume that means you don't want to talk about it?" Isla nods. "Is there anything I can do?"

"I just need space," Isla replies, her breathing still heavy.

"Well, we're about to celebrate the Yule, which means speeches. Did you want to go back to our room?"

"I want to watch," Isla whispers, humming something under her breath, and bends down to grab her backpack, which was leaning against the wall behind her the entire time.

Thinking of the hall, I know the perfect place for her to watch where no one will bother her. It was the place I used to hide in when I wanted to avoid the community but still watch the women in their fancy dresses twirl to the music.

Hidden behind a thick burgundy drape is a tiny alcove. On one of my first visits to the Manor, Alexei showed it to me, his attempt to make me feel safe. Moving deeper into the West Wing and walking along the hall to the opposite side of the grand staircase, I lead her to where the drapes are hanging and pull the fabric back.

"Will this do?" I ask, and Isla nods as she takes in the small space. "Jump in. I'll be right back." Leaving Isla to make herself comfortable, I dash to the East Wing and open one of the parlors, which thankfully is empty. Walking toward one of the cabinets, I reveal a secret door containing several bottles of liquor I've stashed here over the years. Locating an unopened bottle of vodka, I take it along with a glass and head back to Isla.

Pulling the curtain back, I hand her the bottle and smile. "I'm needed for the speeches. You stay here and have a party for one; I'll be back when everything is finished." Isla smiles and twists open the lid of the bottle. "Are you sure you'll be okay?"

THE CONTRACT (The Chosen Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now