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"Come in, my brothers. I would like you both to see what all your hard-earned money and support have paid for," Viktor boasts. However, his tone is different from before – colder.

I observe my father, and my throat tightens as I take in his presence. My gaze shifts from the gleaming black boots to the knot of his black tie and the sleek fit of his tailored suit. Despite his polished appearance, I detect a change in his demeanor.

He's now a mere shadow of his former self. Despite still possessing his dark hair and neatly trimmed beard, I can discern a change in him. It's as if he's on edge, his dark eyes appearing manic as he leads the men into the room. He briefly glances at the air vent, frowning, before fixing his attention on my younger self.

"Does she speak?" the elder of the two inquires, his words bearing a heavy accent that betrays his Russian heritage.

"Ciara, how do we greet our guests?" Viktor repositions himself, his eyes narrowing and his voice becoming more demanding.

Young me rises from her seat, her shoulders tensing slightly. She offers both men a small curtsey, gently clearing her throat before speaking. Throughout her words, she keeps her head lowered to the floor. "Good afternoon, gentlemen. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Moving closer to her, the elder Alexei places a gloved hand on her chin and lifts it. He pauses when he meets her eyes. "She is pretty," he comments, lowering his hand and running it over her petite frame. He halts at her hips and squeezes. "She seems sturdy enough for breeding." Then, turning to my father, he raises a dark brow. "And her mother, what was her background? What led to this girl," he licks his lips, "being possible?"

"Ah, Atsila," Viktor replies, his tone softening ever so slightly, "she has an affinity for the weather. I found her on one of my expeditions. She was gifted enough to withstand the creation. Just not the birth."

Atsila, was that her name? I glance back at the younger version of myself, who is staring at her father with wide eyes. Hearing this is also new to her.

"Pity that you were not able to create another one," the man's words make me pause. Doesn't he know of Isla? Peering up at the vent, I can still make out her small shape, but neither Alexei nor his father seems to be aware of her presence. "But knowing that she is the successful offspring of one of us, it is a glorious day for our kind and my son, Alexei."

Turning my attention to Alexei, I notice a look that I've never seen on him before. Awe. "You mean, one day, she..." He trails off, a slight blush forming on his pale cheeks, causing his father to slap him on the back and laugh.

"Dah, сын, like your мать, she'll be bonded to you, to continue our legacy," Alexei's father beams. Then, turning towards Viktor, he adds, tilting his head, "why don't we give the boy a small taste of what he will..." He pauses and licks his lips, looking toward the younger me, who's still standing, but her gaze has returned to her feet. "Experience when she is of age."

A sense of dread starts to build in my gut as I watch my father nod. He then gestures for Alexei's father and himself to vacate the room. "Why don't we leave the two of them alone, Dimitri, to get acquainted? I have other important matters to discuss with you."

As they depart, both men share a laugh and close the door behind them, leaving the two alone. Watching them, Ciara is visibly trembling, her tiny fists clenching and unclenching with what appears to be fear. To my surprise, Alexei also seems nervous.

Approaching her, Alexei pulls out a chair and gestures for her to sit. Even at his young age, he has no qualms about giving orders to the younger version of myself. "I don't intend to harm you," he reassures as Ciara takes a seat.

THE CONTRACT (The Chosen Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now